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Exhibition: Transarchitectures 02 + 03

Architecture News - Mar 10, 2009 - 14:47   5499 views

Curators: Michel Vienne and Odile Fillion
After TransArchitectures 01 was presented at IMAGINA in March 1997 and TransArchitectures 02, TransArchitectures 03,a new itinerant exhibition has been opened at the AEDES gallery inBerlin and prefigures the news networks, the virtual communities andthe town. This new urbanity is made possible thanks to newcommunications and the setting of the site that isworking interactive with the catalogue of the exhibition TransArchitectures (02 + 03). TransArchitectures 01simply aspired to inform about the existence of a not well knowninternational trend whose interest is the conceptual research and themutations of architecture in relation to the new numerical technologiesand more particularly about the virtual architecture. TransArchitectures 02was an itinerant exhibition and this had the advantage to let peopleknow about proceedings with more ground from the use of numeric inthese new approaches.