Submitted by Myriam Mahiques

Cellular Network city

Architecture News - Oct 17, 2009 - 19:00   7440 views

I see a revival of Metabolism here. The city will grow across the river, as in the massive metabolic projects of the 60s, it has been designed as an organism. But as an organism in itself, that is the question. Nowadays we have more human approachs, since the contributions of Christopher Alexander, Jane Jacobs, Kevin Lynch, etc. Transitions and subdivisions are not enough. This is like a biological body, but this city will have people inside. The current theories of urban morphology contemplate city growth as an organism, but it doesnt mean the designers have to literally take the analogy, they have to learn about the concepts. Of course, the renderings showing the landscape resolution are really captivating, but from aerial points of view, that wont be the important ones.