Myriam B. Mahiques is an architect, graduated from Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (FAU) in 1986. She has collaborated in many Studios and Construction firms, developed projects and constructions as independent professional, also competitions and exhibitions in the area of Architecture and painting. In the Academy she has been chief of practical exercises at the chairs of architectural design Goldemberg and since 2002 to 2004 in Grinberg chair. She has been a researcher for the Institute EFUR (Function of Urban Evolution); researcher for FOINDI (FADU), unit “Technology for the Megalopolis” and “Technology in primitive man” (director Consultant professor, former Dean Arch. Horacio Pando). In 2001 she was assigned the fellowship NuevaTec, from the Ministry of Education and Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, to investigate the subject “ Urban Morphology and Fractal Design”. Currently she is a doctorand in the same field and is Ad honorem researcher at the Laboratory of mathematics and design, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of Buenos Aires. She has many publications and presentations in national and international symposiums.
Myriam Mahiques es arquitecta de la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo de la Univ. de Bs As. Es doctoranda en el tema Morfología Urbana y Diseño Fractal. Investigadora, ex profesora de las cátedras de diseño Goldemberg y Grinberg. Actualmente reside en California y es Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos Ad Honorem del Laboratorio de Matemática y Diseño de la FADU.
Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de Buenos Aires