Submitted by Jonathan Budd
The Golden Section in Architectural Theory
Architecture News - Nov 07, 2007 - 13:49 10514 views
In the never-ending - but always young - discussionabout the Golden Section in architecture never lacks the hintat Luca Pacioli and the architectural theory. But what alwayslacks is a thorough study of this topic, the Golden Section inarchitectural theory. The paper aims to present this analysis.Marcus Frings traces Golden Section from the mathematical andrather theoretical character of Pacioli´s concept, examines Alberti,Serlio, Palladio and other architectural treatises, to arriveto Adolf Zeising in the nineteenth century and to theorist MatilaGhyka and the practitioners Ernst Neufert and Le Corbusier inthe twentieth. In the latter´s writings and designs the GoldenSection seems to play the role of a scholarly element which showsthe master´s theoretical erudition, leading to contemporary architectssuch as Ricardo Bofill.