Submitted by Javad Eiraji

Webinar: The Lessons of Sustainability from Traditional Architecture

Iran Architecture News - Jul 01, 2021 - 12:38   3008 views

Webinar: The Lessons of Sustainability from Traditional Architecture

With collaboration of Chamber of Architects North Cyprus and also Chamber of Architects of Turkey (Eskisehir Branch), Faculty of Architecture and Design of Eskisehir Technical University and Faculty of Architecture of Eastern Mediterranean University have organized their first joint seminar on sustainable architecture entitled “The Lessons of Sustainability from Traditional Architecture” on 13 July 2021, 10.00 a.m. Istanbul time.

This international webinar is in two sessions and languages and some Professors from different universities and countries such as Italy, Turkey and Iran will have presentations on sustainability.

The morning session is in Turkish language and afternoon session is in English language. The platfrom of the webinar is ZOOM ONLINE METTING and everyone can join via this link and also meeting ID and passcode as below:

Meeting ID: 923 2055 0005

Passcode: 123456

The moderatos of this webinar are Prof. Dr. Uğur DAĞLI and Prof. Dr. Alper ÇABUK for morning session and also Assoc. Prof. Dr. Afet COŞKUN and Assist. Prof. Dr. Javad EIRAJI for afternoon session.

Here is the short program and title of presentations of this webinar:


Language: Turkish | Moderators: Prof. Dr. Uğur DAĞLI and Prof. Dr. Alper ÇABUK

10.00 a.m.-Welcome Message by Chamber of Architects of Turkey- Eskisehir Branch President 

Welcome Message by Chamber of Architects- North Cyprus President

Welcome Message by DAÜ-ESTÜ Rectors

Webinar Introduction by Moderators

10.15 a.m. - Presentation 1

Speaker(s): Araş. Gör. Gülşen AKIN GÜLER, Doç. Dr. Emrah GÖKALTUN

University/Institute: Eskisehir Technical University

Presentation Title: Climate Balanced Design Lessons from Eskişehir Rural Architecture        


10.45 a.m. - Presentation 2

Speaker(s): Araş. Gör. Yakut ÇINAR, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Elif TATAR, Dr. Araş. Gör. Fatma KOLSAL

University/Institute: Eskisehir Technical University

Presentation Title: Investigation of Spolia Method in Architecture in the Scope of Responsible Consumption and Production

11.15 a.m. - Presentation 3

Speaker(s): MSc. Architect Yasemin SOMUNCU

University/Institute: SEPEV (Zero Energy and Passive House Association)

Presentation Title: Brief History of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies: From our Existence to Present

11.45 a.m. - Presentation 4

Speaker(s): Dr. Öğr. Gör. Javad EIRAJI

University/Institute: Eskisehir Technical University

Presentation Title: The Lessons of Sustainability from Iranian Traditional Architecture






Language: English | Moderators: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Afet COŞKUN, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Javad EIRAJI


14.00 -Webinar Introduction by Moderators                  

14.15 - Presentation 1

Speaker(s): Prof. Dr. Özlem OLGAÇ TÜRKER, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer BAŞARIR

University/Institute: Eastern Mediterranean University

Presentation Title: Cultural Sustainability in relation to Architectural Conservation in Interior Architecture Education

14.45 - Presentation 2

Speaker(s): Prof. Dr. Simona TONDELLI

University/Institute: Universita di Bologna

Presentation Title: Heritage as a Driver of Sustainable Growth

15.15- Presentation 3

Speaker(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ege Uluca TÜMER

University/Institute: Eastern Mediterranean University

Presentation Title: Ecological Principles of Traditional Houses in the Villages of Mesaoria-Cyprus


15.45 - Presentation 4

Speaker(s): Prof. Eng. Mauro SALVEMINI

University/Institute: Sapienza University Roma

Presentation Title: The Reality of Sustainability

16.00 - Presentation 5

Speaker(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harun SEVİNÇ

University/Institute: Eastern Mediterranean University

Presentation Title: Integrating Contemporary Solar and Daylighting Techniques in Historic Buildings in Lefkoşa (Nicosia) and Gazimağusa (Famagusta)

16.30 - Presentation 6

Speaker(s): Assist. Prof. Dr. Seyed Ahmad Reza YEKANI FARD

University/Institute: Eskisehir Technical University

Presentation Title: Cultural- Eco Technology With Emphasize On Iranian Traditional Architecture

17.00 - Presentation 7

Speaker(s): Prof. Dr. Kokan GRCHEV

University/Institute: Eastern Mediterranean University 

Presentation Title: Vernacular Versatilities: Discussing Identities