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24th edition of KOŁO contest "Bathroom Design 2022"
Poland Architecture News - Apr 22, 2022 - 13:44 2103 views
Since 24 years Geberit invites students of architecture and beginner architects to participate in prestigious competition. The competition task of current edition, like each year, will be the design of public toilet. This time the toilet will be localized in palace surroundings, thanks to partner of the contest “Bathroom Design 2022” – Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów. Organizers accustomed to high quality level of registered works, count on taking into account the historic context of the place with adaptation of this space in completely different unveiling.
The project worth of King for the 21st century
In KOŁO contest, students of architecture and young architects can take part. Their competition task is creating of conception of functional pavilion, located next to Orangery of Palace in Wilanów, including the historical context of the place (residence and royal gardens). In the same time, it has to be modern public toilet dedicated to visitors of Museum. The necessary condition of participation is applying products of KOŁO or Geberit into the project. Either, adaptation the sanitary pavilion to the need of people with disabilities, seniors and caregivers with small children is highly important. The crucial point for Partner of contest and organizer as well is environmental issues and eco-friendly approach.
Spread Your wings under the watchful eye of the masters
For many participants of the previous edition a cult “KOŁO contest”, joining the competition turned to be the first step of their career. In this contest, the young people tie new business friendships and receive plenty of tips. This precious knowledge from experts in the field, will give the direction to young talents and let them feel the change in the wind – the reconsiderations and props come from the biggest names in the industry. The group of excellent jurors will choose the best project, award the honors and special prizes. In 2022 for the first time, in award categories will be “bathroom interior design” – with prize of 5 000 PLN. In current edition of KOŁO Contest „Bathroom Design 2022” is Grand Prix Award of 25 000 PLN, the total pool of rewards is 60 000 PLN.
Jury of the contest “Bathroom Design 2022” gathered: prof. dr. hab. arch. Ewa Kuryłowicz – Kuryłowicz & Associates, arch. Robert Konieczny - KWK Promes; arch. Magdalena Federowicz-Boule – president of Tremend studio; Paweł Jaskanis – director of Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów; Marta Gutweter – architect Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów ; dr hab. Barbara Kowalewska – Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów; dr hab. Ewa Zaraś-Januszkiewicz - Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Environmental Protection and Dendrology; Agnieszka Kalinowska-Sołtys – APA Wojciechowski Architekci; arch. Mirosław Nizio - Nizio Design International; Marta Sękulska-Wrońska – partner in WXCA Office Architecture, president of OW SARP, arch. Marcin Gierbienis – winner of KOŁO Contest and Przemysław Powalacz – Managing Director of Geberit Polska.
Schedule of the context
The regulation with more details related with projects, information about the location of the toilet and rules of sending registrations are available on website.
The deadline of submission of the entries is 4th of May 2022.
The official announcement of results will take place on 14th of June 2022, the winners’ works will be shown of exhibition in Wilanów on 1st of July till 31st of August.
More information can be found on website.
Visual identification of the Contest is made by Patryk Hardziej (Hardziej Studio).
> via KOLO