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ARKxSITE announced Site Memorial International Architecture Ideas Competition in Lisbon
Portugal Architecture News - Jun 06, 2018 - 06:20 18537 views
ARKxSITE Architecture Competitions announced its new International Architecture Ideas Competition titled "Site Memorial" for architecture students and young professionals (≤ 40 years old).
The Site Memorial, located in Lisbon, is a new landmark and a destination point inviting visitors for a unique and singular experience between the land and the water; it is a contemplative walk through history that leads to a place of gathering and a look-out point where the Tagus River becomes a powerful scenery. There are no limitations in height, depth or extension beyond the river bank.
This international one-stage architecture ideas competition invites all architecture students, young architects and young professionals with a degree in architecture studies (≤ 40 years old) to develop and submit compelling ideas for the design of a Site Memorial located along the Tagus River, Lisbon, Portugal.
Lisbon has a number of significant landmarks and it is a place of great cultural heritage and historical significance. Monuments, memory and history rise from the ground and together with the Tagus River are notable features within this setting.
When generating a vision for an intervention located within such a remarkable place, it is essential that each design proposal emphasises, respects and celebrates the site, while providing visitors with a unique experience.
Site Memorial
1. Information
'History Room' _ 45 m2
Restrooms _ 20 m2
Storage _ 15 m2
2. Resting / Look-out point
Resting / Look-out point _ * m2
* Area to be determined by each participant’s design proposal.
Note: the Site Memorial proposal shall not require maintenance, the intervention should age with the landscape. There are no limitations in height, depth or extension beyond the Tagus River bank. The Site Memorial can be an enclosed area or an open space.
Total area of the Site Memorial to be determined by each participant’s proposal.
The overall design of the Site Memorial must be sensitive to the surrounding context. Because this is an ideas competition, urban planning and building regulations will not be applied to the design proposal.
For more detailed information, download the Competition Brief from here.
The jury members will be composed of the following international professional architects.
From left to right: Michel Carlana, Luca Mezzalira, Curzio Pentimalli (Italy), Héctor Barroso (Mexico), Jan Henrik Jansen (Denmark)
The jury members composed of Michel Carlana, Luca Mezzalira, Curzio Pentimalli from Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli, Héctor Barroso from Taller Héctor Barroso, Jan Henrik Jansen from jan henrik jansen arkitekter.
1st Prize 2000€ (two thousand euros)
2nd Prize 1000€ (one thousand euros)
3rd Prize 500€ (five hundred euros)
7 Honorable Mentions
All submissions will be published on the ArkxSite website.
All reasonable efforts will be made to publish and promote the winners and honorable mentions in architectural magazines and blogs worldwide; however, such results will rely on agreements made with the publication entities.
Register the Site Memorial competition from here.
Competition Opening: April 30, 2018
Early Registration Period: April 30 - June 29, 2018
Regular Registration Period: June 30 - August 31, 2018
Late Registration Period: September 01 - September 17, 2018
Submission Deadline: September 22, 2018
Jury Evaluation: October 12 - October 26, 2018
Competition Results: November 16, 2018
See more info on the competition's website.
All images courtesy of ARKxSITE
> via ARKxSITE