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Add your online proposal to the Achitecture Week 2020!
Spain Architecture News - Apr 22, 2020 - 13:40 8432 views
The Mies van der Rohe Foundation has launched an open call related to the fourth edition of the Bacelona Architecture Week that will take place from the 7 to the 17 of May in the city of Barcelona and, given its "from home" new format as a measure of prevention in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, around the world.
Call is open until April 27, you can send your proposal via the submission form below.
This initiative driven by Ajuntament de Barcelona, Col·legi d´Arquitectes de Catalunya and Fundació Mies van der Rohe, in collaboration with Barcelona Building Construmat and Arquinfad.
For ten consecutive days the Architecture Week will offer a wide range of activities related to the world of architecture and the city, beyond physical, disciplinary and territorial boundaries to estimulate reflection upon the built environment of cities and its value through dissemination of architectural activity, knowledge and debate.
Barcelona has in its urban architecture a day-to-day heritage where the lives of barcelonians develop, and the Achitecture Wek aims to strengthen this essential bond, inviting to enjoy architecture throug radio, TV, social media and internet and to colectivelly re-imagine what comprises a city: from the small scale of rediscovered domesticity to the large scale of the so-longed endless horizon of the city's waterfront, the guest space this year 2020.
This year's protagonists will not be the public buildings in the city's districts nor the offices of the organizing institutions, they will be your and our homes, one of the most invisibilized architectural territories. Their current hypervisibilisation is a great opportunity to talk, from an architetural perspective, about space, cohabitation and day-to-day welfare.
On a city scale, the Barcelona Architecture Week 2020 will encourage a collective reflection upon its coastline public spaces, the city in the watefront. The great littoral and port spaces form conflict and change opportunities to the contemporary city, also in Barcelona
The Foundation calls for institutions and individuals in any discipline to join us by organizing their own events related to the Architecture Week.
"New formats and the cascade of new initiatives that have developed these past weeks must allow us to learn, from an architectural perspective, from everything that is happening and are especially welcome," it said.
You will find the application form here, with Spanish version.
Don't miss it, you can also speak your mind!
Top image courtesy of Mies van der Rohe Foundation