Submitted by ali khiabanian

1st international symposium & workshop on regeneration & analyses of spacial strategies

Iran Architecture News - Oct 26, 2019 - 13:35   2571 views

1st international symposium & workshop on regeneration & analyses of spacial strategies

Introduction of the Symposium

As you know today's world is rapidly growing and evolving in various sciences, architecture and urbanism are not exceptions. One of the branches of architecture and urbanism that has made remarkable progress in the past two decades in the process of urban dynamics modeling and citizen’s behavioral study is the Space Syntax theory and its methodology.

On the other hand, considering the importance of urban and architectural events and activities and in terms of their scope , as well as the consequences of any architectural and urban planning action in all filds of urban construction, planning and design; all of the plans, policies, and decisions of urban management will be affected in present and the future. Therefore, any concern in all areas of these fields, namely in design, and future modelling, will have great importance. Following that not only in will direct to the Macroeconomic savings, but also it makes it easier to deal with what has not yet happened for any easier planning, design and policy in more real vision and also more accessible.

Regarding and considering the necessity of providing a proper context and more familiarity with the method of analysis and reading the space through the space syntax, for specialists, practitioners as well as researchers (professors and students) of Architecture and Urbanism in Iran and also in order to benefit from the experiences of individuals and Experts from other countries; as well as Iranians, we decided to look at this concepts and concerns in a practical local vision  but in collaboration with internal public and private sectors and research institute, as well as the University of Lisbon of Portugal and its Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD), one of the largest research centers in the Portugal. Following this, the first international symposium and workshop on "Regeneration and Analysis of Spatial Strategies” will be held in Tehran in December 2019.

Considering what mentioned the Secretariat of this International Symposium with pleasure invites all the experts, specialists, students, researchers and scientists of the scientific institutes and  R&D centers to participate in this scientific event.

Important Dates

  • Early Registration (with discount)       2019-10-23
  • Late Registration                                      2019-11-11
  • Symposium dates                                    2019-11-23

Conference Programs

The Symposium Secretariat, in collaboration with the University of Lisbon, Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD) as well as the Institute of the Culture, Art and Architecture of Jahad Daneshgahi, intends to invite outstanding professors from prestigious Iranian and world universities, scientific research institutes, to participate and share their experiences in the frame of an International symposium on the Regeneration and analysis of spatial strategies.

All the efforts of the high councils, policymakers and presenters of this symposium are focused on making a very useful scientific as well as practical event for all and every of the valuable minutes of the participants.

This symposium intends to have different programs which some of them among the others will come as follow:

  • Speeches by leading Iranian university professors and also professors from University of Lisbon
  • Holding a specialized panel with the presence of professors and experts in the field of Regeneration
  • Keynote lectures and scientific meetings
  • Attendance and speech by high-ranking state officials from Tehran Municipality
  • Specialized Exhibition for introducing companies and related businesses and introducing products and services
  • Specialized practical workshops
  • Press conference before symposium and specialized exhibition to better cover this important international event

Symposium Aims

  • Explaining the concept of urban and spatial regeneration
  • Providing and enhancing the level of satisfaction of the users of urban spaces, especially the revitalized spaces
  • Providing and enhancing the comfort and convenience of users of different architectural/urban spaces in future planning and design.
  • Providing and controlling proper privacy of the space according to the local pattern
  • Planning and design In-depth for space (architectural and urban spaces) toward the understandable behavioral realities
  • Synchronization of modeling and predicting in architecture and urban planning and design closer to the reality of users of the spaces and behavioral patterns.

Symposium Scientific Committee

DR MOHAMMAD SAEID IZADI (Faculty Member of Bo Ali Hamadan University)

Professor Fernando Moreira da Silva (Head of the CIAUD Center for Architecture Urban Development and Design in Portugal )

Professor Francisco Serdoura (Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design, School of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Seyed Momen FoadMarashi (PhD researcher at the Lisbon university and member of the Urban Dynamics Research group for the Architecture and Design of  Lisbon university department)

Dr. Kyoumars Habibi (Faculty member of Kurdistan University)

Dr. Ehsan Ranjbar (Faculty Member Tarbiat Modares University)

Dr. Hossein Babapour Fatehi(Lecturer and faculty member)

Dr. Akbar Abadollahzadeh (University faculty member)

Ali Khiabanian (Lecturer and faculty member)

Habib Nejati ( University Lecturer)

Hamid Ramezani (Head of Urban Landscape Department of Culture, Art and Architecture jahad daneshgahi institute)

Dr Elham Amini (University faculty member)

Seyed Hadi Seyed Alizadeh (Conference Secretary)

Parisa Lotfi (Lecturer and Urban Planning Researcher)

Symposium Executive Committee

Parastoo Lotfi

Zahra Rasulzadeh

Sahar Fuladvand

Image courtesy of RASS2019

> via RASS2019