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Call for proposals for INDESEM 2019 at Delft University of Technology
Netherlands Architecture News - Mar 28, 2019 - 03:16 5906 views
Another edition of INDESEM is on its way! From 10 - 17 May 2019, 80 students from all over the world will work on a design project accompanied by lectures from and discussions with renowned architects and theorists.
INDESEM, International Design Seminar, is a biennial, founded by a group of students in 1962 and re-initiated by Herman Hertzberger in 1986. The seminar was born from a desire to experiment with architecture and urban planning, while exploring beyond the boundaries of the curriculum. INDESEM has had the honour of hosting internationally acclaimed architects such as Aldo van Eyck, Rem Koolhaas, Shigeru Ban, Sou Fujimoto, Steven Holl, Wiel Arets, Winy Maas, Jean Nouvel, Peter Cook, Renzo Piano, Ben van Berkel, Adriaan Geuze, Daan Roosegaarde and Greg Lynn, as well as theorists such as Saskia Sassen, Bruno Latour, Anthony Vidler, Neil Leach and Michael Speaks.
The programme of INDESEM consists of lectures, excursions, debates and a workshop, all organized around a contemporary theme. Every edition aims to raise awareness about this theme and its consequences for the architectural practice. Speakers with different opinions will be invited to share their thoughts, creating an environment in which students, tutors, architects and theorists engage in conversation and discussion about the current and future position of the architect.
This Year’s Theme: Beyond the Echo Chamber
echo chamber
noun: echo chamber; plural noun: echo chambers
1. an enclosed space where sound reverberates.
2. an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.
Architects build a vocabulary by harvesting information in a multidisciplinary context. Nowadays the amount of available knowledge is endless. This challenges us as designers, architects and urban planners to position ourselves within this changing context.
By whom or what are your influenced as an architect? What is it, that you want to express with your buildings? How far do you want to reach? Who is it you’re designing for? The event forms a critical stage to confront students with their echo chamber, the extent to which it is perforated or segregated, and to (re)define it, based on critical discussions.
Speakers that have thus far been confirmed:
Herman Hertzberger, Reinier de Graaf (OMA), Saskia Sassen, Winy Maas (MVRDV), Caroline Bos (UNStudio), Junya Ishigami, Fala Atelier, Stefan Metaal, Eko Prawoto, Elma van Boxel (ZUS), Ronald Rietveld en David Habets (RAAAF), Momoyo Kaijima (Atelier Bow-Wow), Federica Sofia Zambeletti (KoozArch).
Entry Competition INDESEM 2019 | ego expo
If you would like to take part in the INDESEM ‘19 seminar, you are invited to submit a proposal for the design competition. Due to the limited amount of participants we can receive, the 80 best entries will be selected and invited to participate in INDESEM 2019. Once selected, the entry fee will be €95. This fee includes participation in the workshop, an excursion, accommodation for international students, meals and drinks!
Living in a world in which an infinite amount of information is available, we’re faced with an infinite amount of choices. This offers us as designers, architects and urban planners new opportunities to position ourselves within this changing context. What is it that you want to express with your buildings? How far do you want to reach? Who is it you’re designing for? Does your project fit in or stand out? Does it build upon what we have or not? These questions can be interpreted in a very broad way and thereis not just one right answer, but they are important to dwell upon.
Imagine being part of the world expo. Instead of representing your country, you would be representing yourself and the position you have as an architect. Come up with a design in which you show your convictions and doubts, possibly keeping in mind (one or more of) the aspects mentioned in the text (scope, subject, source and statement). Of course you are also free to add your own.
Submit one A3-format picture/collage/render/drawing of your design proposal. The scale of the entry project and whether you choose a context or not is up to you. Try to visualise your ideas and make sure that your position is clear in your proposal.
Competition Entry Documents
file 1: image
Format: A3 landscape .pdf [No text]
file 2: text
Format: A4 portrait .pdf
_Supporting text [max 300 words]
file 3: personal information
Format: A4 portrait .pdf
Including: Full name and address, Date of birth, Email address, Home university, faculty and progress [year BSc / MSc/ Graduate], Motivation [max 300 words], The title of your submission
* Do NOT put your name on the image and text file for fair judgement. Tutors and professionals will judge the competition entries.
Package these three files as: .rar, .zip or similar with a maximum total size of 5MB. Name your file as: surname.name_indesem2019. The deadline for the entry is the 7th of April [23.59 CEST]. Send the package of your files to [email protected].
Winners will be announced one week after the competition deadline.
Location: Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Date: 10th– 17thMay 2019
Cost: €95 (including accommodation, meals and drinks)
Application Deadline: 7th of April [23:59 CEST]
Top image courtesy of INDESEM