Submitted by WA Contents

It takes 4 (+1) Easy Steps to Participate to the WA Awards

United Kingdom Architecture News - May 11, 2019 - 00:24   22183 views

It takes 4 (+1) Easy Steps to Participate to the WA Awards

World Architecture Community team has created 4 (+1) easy steps to make you help to send your projects to the WA Awards. 

If you want to send your projects in Realised, Designed and Student categories, it is enough to follow these steps below. Architects, interior designers, students should send their entries before August 20, 2020 (23:59 GMT) to WA Awards 10+5+X 35th Cycle. 

> Sign-In to World Architecture Community.
> Upload your project.
> Upgrade to Professional membership.
> Participate to the WA Awards.
> Win and get the recognition your project deserves.

to WAC

If you are a registered member of World Architecture Community, please make sure to sign-in by clicking the human-head icon on the menu. If you are signed-in, you will see your menu details on the human-head icon. The lock should turn green if you are properly signed-in. If you are new to WAC, click on the human-head icon on the menu and sign-up to WAC (registration is free).

Upload Your Project

To upload your project, click the lock, select My Settings. Then select My Projects, and click Upload A Project and upload your projects in appropriate category by choosing first Architecture or Interior Design section. Fill in the information and upload your photos. Project Type must be Designed or Realised accordingly.

It takes 4 (+1) Easy Steps to Participate to the WA Awards

Upgrade to Professional Membership

As a professional architect, you will want to upgrade your membership to Professional (1). To do so, click on My Settings on your menu and click Subscribe Now and follow the instructions. If you decide to remain an Associate member, you will be subject to a WA Awards participation fee (2). All payments are processed through secured credit card (3).

When you upgrade your membership status, your label will automatically be changed to Professional (as shown above). Then you will be able to send 1 project free-of-charge to each Cycle as part of your membership benefits. 

You may check your current membership status by viewing your profile page, and locating the color-coded membership status on the top right hand side of the screen as pointed out in this image. 

Professional Membership Benefits for Architects and Interior Designers

WAC Professional Members will have Enhanced Profile Page and Enhanced Project Page. In addition, WAC Pro Members will be able to create an Office Page and gain more social media exposure of their projects on WAC social media feeds. See Professional Membership Benefits here

Participate to WA Awards

Already on its 34th Cycle, World Architecture Community Awards 10+5+X is a well-reputed online competition for Architects, Interior Designers, Students to get the recognition their projects deserve. With over 1,400 winning projects so far, WA Awards jury is composed of WAC Honorary Members as well as Winners of Previous Cycles. Please click here to get more information about WA Awards.

It takes 4 (+1) Easy Steps to Participate to the WA Awards

How to send your entries to WA Awards 10+5+X 

To participate to WA Awards, click the human-head icon on your menu, select My Settings. Then select My Projects, click Edit on the project you want to submit and click the red Participate Now. Read the warnings and Confirm, that’s it!

So hurry up, the deadline is currently open but may close at any given time without notice, once the critical mass of participating projects is reached for a fair selection.

(1) Professional membership is subject to an annual subscription fee (with a limited-time promotional offer - regular subscription fee is $180). Once Professional, members may participate to the WA Awards for free, throughout their subscription period with a single project per cycle in the category of their choice (Designed or Realised).

(2) Those who prefer not to upgrade to Professional membership, will remain Associate members and may still participate to WA Awards. They will however be subject to a WA Awards participation fee (Designed category $100 and Realised category $200) per submission and per cycle.

(3) For your own safety, we accept secured credit card payments. World Architecture Community accepts, Visa and MasterCard (both available globally). Credit Card payments are made through a secure bank interface with SSL encryption. World Architecture Community does not receive or keep your credit card information.

Top image in poster: Sarawoot Jansaeng-aram's Z9 Resort won the WA Award in the 29th Cycle. 

All images courtesy of WAC except top image.