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9th Iberian Congress of African Studies: Africa Today – places and spaces of transformation

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jul 19, 2014 - 13:30   3384 views

th Iberian Congress of African Studies: Africa Today – places and spaces of transformation" src="" >


11th - 13th September 2014, Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.


After eight editions held in several Iberian cities, it is now time for the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra to organize the next edition. The 9th Iberian Congress of African Studies -  Africa Today – places and spaces of transformation, will take place between the 11th and the 13th of September 2014, at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Coimbra.

The African Studies congress of the Iberian World, with a biennial periodicity, is presently an unavoidable place for the meeting of researchers working with the relations between the African continent and the Iberian Peninsula. This congress, whose number of participants has been growing, involves researchers from various academic fields: anthropology, literary studies, history, economy, sociology, and philosophy, amongst others. Given its profile, it has been hugely contributing for the strengthening of networks and research groups.

Having as theme Africa Today – places and spaces of transformation – this congress strives to reflect upon the changes that occurred in Iberian idiomatic African contexts in the last 40 years, that mark the emergence of five new independent nations and stages of the colonial process in Africa. These revolutionary processes, wars and violent episodes, plus the democratic transitions will inexorably brand the Iberian space – Europe, Americas and Africa –, setting the grounds for successive liberation and democratization processes. This interdisciplinary forum will explore trans-national connections, global voices and cartographical power practices that had been developing along these last four decades in those heterogeneous spaces which are the Portuguese speaking African countries and their connections with the rest of the world.

The congress will strive to broaden the discussions over colonialism, nationalism, decolonization, national projects, neo-colonialism, but also capitalism, democratic transitions, etc., in those countries construction. This broad reading of the spaces and places for the transformation of the continent is only possible from an academic excellence debate, and from a contact between various fields of knowledge, which either consonant or dissonant will give birth to new perspectives over the different problems in stake.

The papers presented at the IX Iberian Congress of African Studies selected by the organizers of the panels with will be published in digital format (with ISSN), by CES publications.

The congress idioms will be Portuguese, Spanish and English. No simultaneous translation service will be provided.


Scientific Committee

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (CES)
José Manuel Pureza (CES)
Maria Paula Meneses (CES)
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES)
Silvia Maeso  (CES)
Diana Andringa (CES)
Fernando Florêncio  (FCTUC)
Ana Mafalda Leite (U. Lisboa)
Inocência Mata (U. Lisboa)
José Luís Pires Laranjeira (FLUC)
Clara Carvalho (ISCTE)
Cristiana Bastos (ICS)
Itziar Ruiz-Giménez (UAM) 
Bruno Sena Martins (CES)
Catarina Martins (CES)
Teresa Cunha (CES)


Organizing Committee

Maria Paula Meneses (CES)
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES)
José Luís Pires Laranjeira (FLUC)
Fernando Florêncio (FCTUC)
Fabrice Schurmans (CES)
Tiago Castela (CES)
Bruno Sena Martins (CES)
Elena Brugioni (U. Minho)
Sheila Khan (U. Minho)
Cristina Valentim (CES)
Inês Rodrigues (CES) 


Congress Structure

The congress will involve several activities. The central structure is composed of self-organized thematic panels, to be proposed by researchers. It will also integrate conferences, to be held by academic guests in plenary sessions. At the end of the first day a roundtable is foreseen, at the end of the working day, over the arts and the politics, integrating intellectuals and artists coming from several regions of the globe.



September 11, 2014

9:00-10:00 am: Welcoming to participants
10:00-10:30 am: Opening Session
João Gabriel Silva, Dean of the University of Coimbra
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Director of CES
President of the Iberian Association of African Studies/GEA – Group of African Studies of the Law Faculty of the Autonomous University of Madrid
10:30 -12:00 am: Inaugural Session of the Conference:
Lídia Brito (UNESCO)
Moderation: Teresa de Victória Pereira (Counsellor Minister for the Angolan Mission to CPLP)

12:00 am-02:00 pm: Lunch-break

02:00-04:00 pm: 1st Session – Parallel Sessions
1. Colonialism, neo-colonialism, post-colonialism and the geopolitics of knowledge
2. Identities, citizenships and political mythologies
3. Revolutions, political transitions and governing
4. Social movements, organizations and parties

04:00-04:30 pm: Coffee-break

04h30-06:30 pm: Roundtable with writers and artists
Moderation: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES)


September 12, 2014

10:00-11:30 am: “Transition Rhythms”
Conference: Odete Semedo (Dean of the University Amílcar Cabral, Bissau)
Conference: Inocência Mata (University of Lisbon)
Moderation: José Manuel Pureza (President of the Scientific Counsel of CES)

12:00 am-02h00 pm: Lunch-break

02:00-04:00 am: 2nd Session – Parallel Sessions
1. Migrations and Diasporas in the Indic and the Atlantic
2. Religion and spiritual expressions of resistance
3. Literature, films, visual arts and music

04h00-04:30 pm: Coffee-break

04:30-06:30 pm: 3rd Session – Parallel Sessions
1. Colonialism and decolonization of the communication and the media
2. State, justices and democracy
3. Metamorphoses of capitalism and gender relations


September 13, 2014

10:00-12:00 am: “Rhythms of political transition”
Conference: José Luís Hopffer Almada (Writer, Cape Verde)
Conference: Manuel Ennes Ferreira (ISEG)
Moderation: Maria Paula Meneses (CES)

12:00 am-02:00 pm: Lunch-break

02:00-04:00 pm: 4th Session – Parallel Sessions
1. Development, sustainability and environmental challenges
2. Urbanism and social transformations
3. Education and teaching(s) of history(ies) – encounters and dissentions
4. Economies in transit: new routes, other projects

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