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Pure Hardcorismo

United Kingdom Architecture News - Jul 22, 2014 - 15:26   7850 views

Pure Hardcorismo

"When in 1913, in my desperate attempt to free art from the ballast of objectivity, I took refuge in the square and I exposed a black square on a white field, critics, and along with them the public, sighed: Everything we loved is lost. We are in a desert ... Before us there is nothing more than a black square on a white background! "

Kazimir Malevich, 1927  [1]



In the realm of architectural form is king. Centuries of continuous search for a transcendental architecture show that the pure form is a high aesthetic utopia. The Hardcorismo  is the theory of architecture as pure geometric form. The first architectural manifesto endless Hardcorismo announces the coming of the architecture and appearance known. The Hardcorismo is how ideology. Ideology as form.  [2]

The architects have been looking for the purest of forms since records began icons in monumental scale. The pure forms have become a perennial obsession. In a platonic fetish. In a recurring theme. The pure forms represent the apotheosis aspiration of mankind. A direct connection with the gods. The way temple. Religion as geometry.

The pure form is Hardcorismo openly. It is frank, direct, explicit, evident. It is presented as is and represents what it presents. No decoration. No crime or ornament. No structure. No distractions. No programs. No excuses. No dialectic. No post-occupation. No tricks. Without diagrams. Archetypes Jungquescas proportions, the Hardcorismo is pure engraved image in the collective unconscious. The Hardcorismo is made for photographs architecture, engraving, for creating models. The Hardcorismo is emphatic; end. The Hardcorismo is reductionist. It is architecture as architecture.

Kazimir Malevich was the first artist Hardcorista. • Through his Black Square, the Black Circle, and Black Cross (a last ideological obstruction revealed the final metaphysical paradox. While more abstract journey of the artist, become more concrete representations and approaches the Hardcorismo The Suprematism was the consummation of the immaterial as sublime as I plot His indescribable forms of action reached the pinnacle of artistic plateau.. Suprematism is art as Hardcorismo.

Pure Hardcorismo

a. Ka'ba, Mecca, indefinite 
b. Etienne Louis Boulee, Newtwon Cenotaph, Chaux, c 1785 
c. Tomb of Chephren, IV Dynasty, Giza, 2694-2563 BC



Previous failures to understand architectural generations of formalists have prevented recognition Hardcorismo as a design theory. A wrongly attached label that reads 'sporadic coincidences' has blurred the omnipresence of a manifesto in progress. In place of Hardcorismo, sociological explanations as dishonest cartoony graphics and diagrams pseudo distort the figures of timelessness.

The Hardcorismo is a call to the objectification of forms. This calls for the recognition of the oldest architecture "tradition." The vernacular of nowhere. Review uncritically. The Hardcorismo represents the most basic possibility of architectural stock: architecture as a form. It is a challenge to the use and style. It is colorless and egalitarian. It is retrospective, current and projective. The Hardcorismo represents the last hard-line architecture: how is essence and substance as form.

The Hardcorismo is the perfect design strategy. It is an epiphany between initial idea and achievement without friction. The Hardcorismo Rigor Mortis is the conceptual architecture: rigid, immovable, fixed, inflexible. It is simultaneously pure concept and the abolition of the concepts.The concept looks Hardcorismo as obsolete all other concepts.

Hardcorismo theory dismantles the 'Theory of Bigness' Rem Koolhaas. Regardless of the scale, architecture can always be controlled by a single architectural gesture. If Bigness is the final architecture, then the Hardcorismo Bigness is the ultimate. The Bigness Hardcorismo is at all scales.  [3]

Pure Hardcorismo

a. Palazzo della Civilta Italian, Giovanni Guerrini, Rome 1939 
b. Haus des Gaertners, Claude Nicholas Ledoux, Chaux, c 1789 
c. Pyramid of Cestius, Giambattista Piranesi, Rome, c 1747



The Hardcorismo as architecture black hole: a ubiquitous organism that relentlessly absorbs any type of program. Tombs, palaces, cenotaphs, ruins, parks, religious icons, shopping centers, military bases, ecological refuges, political monuments, communal pools, houses, cities; the Hardcorismo receive automatic updates of the programs of modernization. In the form of a sphere, a pyramid, and a bucket, is so rigid in Hardcorismo formal appearance and are flexible in their uses. The Hardcorismo marks the time when Disney meets Egyptian pharaohs, Boullée Etienne-Louis, Jean Nouvel and George Lucas.

Understanding Hardcorismo theory requires a review of several sacred architectural assumptions and incorporating a new set of theoretical values:

1. The space is irrelevant in the Hardcorismo, architecture is not defined by the space it contains, but the envelope of this space. Because the shape of the building is the main idea, the space becomes residual. The only immutable Hardcorismo space is created between the building and the distance required to form this can be recognized by the observer.

Two.'s Image is everything-Because of the importance of its form, is the first voyeuristic Hardcorismo architecture. In the total picture Hardcorismo building determines its existence.

March. Shape is absolutely Since all that matters under the reign of Hardcorismo is the shape of the building, architecture becomes indifferent to issues such as the program, scale, type and location. No absolutely no Hardcorismo.

4. The architecture is irrelevant When architecture reaches its Hardcorista state, its existence transcends materiality. The architecture is Hardcorismo as foam, plastic, resin, stone, concrete, wood, steel, glass, cardboard, paper, coal, clay, pixels.

Pure Hardcorismo

a. Modena Cemetery, Aldo Rossi, Modena, 1971 
b. Spaceship Earth, Walt Disney Imagineering, Orlando 1983 
c. Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, Foster + Partners, Astana, 2006



Because of its relative indifference to any kind of ideology, Hardcorismo is the perfect bait for political iconography. Honesty is a formal feature apotheosis chameleon: because it can not be anything else, they always say it's something else. The Hardcorismo was fascist and democratic, tyrannical and populist, capitalist and communist, commercial and spiritual, ecological and destructive. He has been featured in the history books and the villain in science fiction films. He represented everything good that humanity has to offer and all the atrocities of man. The Hardcorismo is a form of modern life. A timeless classic. An ongoing tragedy. The Hardcorismo is where the novel architecture reached its peak and has remained on hold since.

Invulnerable to social, political and economic influences, the architecture represents Hardcorismo as pure autonomy. The presence of Hardcorismo obliterates the need of the author. The Hardcorismo kidnaps architecture architect's hands. This announces the removal of the author. The disappearance of the visionary. Is the post-architect architecture. The Hardcorismo is the immaculate conception of architecture. It is uninspired creation. It is architecture as artifice. The Hardcorismo requires rewriting of the sacred books. On the seventh day, the Hardcorismo was created.

Pure Hardcorismo

a. School of Management and Design, Sanaa, Zollverein 2006 
b. RAK Convention and Exhibition Centre, OMA, Dubai 2008 
c. you projet triangle, Herzog & De Meuron, Paris 2008



Because it reduces architecture to its smallest form possible, represents Hardcorismo atomization of architecture. His blatant existence pint of the most sacred dogmas obsolescence. The Hardcorismo is both the abolition of the "isms" and the last "ism." The naked Hardcorismo architecture. This represents the purging of styles to detail. The Hardcorismo is the post-Mies architecture. God is in the forms.

A cross section through the history of architecture reveal the Hardcorismo is like a train on a railway loop: no matter how much you change the landscape around the end must inevitably back where you started. The Hardcorismo is what architecture has always sought. It represents both the birth and death of history of architecture. One epistemological consequence, the theory implies Hardcorismo architecture as perpetual reincarnation in a body that looks the same.

The Hardcorismo is the ultimate architectural orthodoxy. The Hardcorismo means not having to think. The architectural Hardcorismo is unconsciousness.  [4] The Hardcorismo is a post-human enterprise. No genius loci . Neither phenomenology. The Hardcorismo is everywhere and nowhere at once. That is the zeitgeist of forever. The Hardcorismo architecture is in its stationary state. It is an icon in the city, in the wilderness, at sea, in the sky. As a Suprematist painting, Hardcorismo is all that remains after the world has been reduced to pure form. The Hardcorismo is the motto of the powerful and the ethos of subversion: "Under the pavement, the forms".

The manifesto Hardcorismo.


[1] Kasimir Malevich, The Non-Objective World, trans. Dearstyne Howard (Paul Theobald and Company, 1959.) The world is not objective. . A.ELSEN 1927 In: The purposes of art. Aguilar. Madrid 1971, p 426.

[2] The concept Hardcorismo born from the idea of architecture as the "absolute" or "purest and most basic" of geometric shapes. The Merriam Webster Online Dictionary defines "Hard-Core" as "Characterized by or being the purest form of basic Most or something. " "Hard-core,", 2010, (26 June 2010). See also "hard-core," Websters New World Dictionary and Thesaurus, Michael Agnes ed, (New York: MacMillan, 1996)..

[3] According to Koolhaas: "Beyond a critical Un certain mass, a building Becomes a BIG Building. Such a mass can no longer be controlled by a single architectural gesture, or even by any combination of architectural gestures. The impossibility triggers the autonomy of its parts, que is different from fragmentation. REMAIN Committed the parts to the whole "From" Bigness and the Problem of Large, "in Rem Koolhaas, Bruce Mau, S, M, L, XL, ed . Jennifer Sigler, (New York: Monacelli Press, 1995), 494-516.

[4] While the Hardcorismo involves the reduction of the basic architecture of forms, and run a similar abstraction Suprematism in the field of art, the novel 1984 by George Orwell Newspeak posing as a tool to minimize the language to the point in which thought is replaced by orthodoxy. A conversation between Syme (a specialist in Newspeak philologist) and Winston reveals the ultimate goal of Newspeak then that language is stripped down to its minimum " The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking-not Needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness "From George Orwell, 1984 (New York: Signet Classics, 1950)., 53.

Traducciotions of the author.


This article originally published in PLOT

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