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Billionaire designs yacht-shaped hospital skyscraper, other billionaire might build it

United Kingdom Architecture News - Sep 26, 2014 - 12:12   2952 views

Billionaire designs yacht-shaped hospital skyscraper, other billionaire might build it

What would you do with a billion dollars? If the answer is, "I would design a yacht-shaped hospital," then you are Russian banker / architect / future space tourist Vasily Klyukin — hi there! Big fan. Thanks for reading The Verge.

I suppose you know everything I'm about to write here, but just for everyone else's sake: Klyukin has revealed designs for White Sails hospital & spa, four-skyscraper beast that looks like the world's biggest yacht (each tower is a sail) trapped in a very tiny lake. Here's how it's described:.....Continue Reading

> via The Verge