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MAS Context:Surveillance Summer 14 is Out Now!

United Kingdom Architecture News - Aug 01, 2014 - 14:43   2228 views

MAS Context:Surveillance Summer 14 is Out Now!

Welcome to Surveillance issue. This issue examines the presence of surveillance around us—from the way we are being monitored in the physical and virtual world, to the potential of using the data we generate to redefine our relationship to the built environment.

Organized as a sequence of our relationship with data, the contributions address monitoring, collecting, archiving, and using the traces that we leave, followed by camouflaging and deleting the traces that we leave. By exploring different meanings of surveillance, this issue seeks to generate a constructive conversation about the history, policies, tools, and applications of the information that we generate and how those aspects are manifested in our daily lives.

Contributions by Ambient Information Systems, Roy R. Behrens, The Central Intelligence Agency, Christo de Klerk, Iker Gil, George Gingell, Allison Greenwald, Dan Hill, Luzinterruptus, Simon Menner, Ruben Pater, Bernhard Reuss, Isaac Rooks, Jens Sundheim, John Tolva, and Henrietta Williams.

Articles designed by Kyle Fletcher, Alex Fuller, Alex Gilbert, Kyle Green, Jinhwan Kim, Baozhen Li, Jennifer Mahanay, Mike McQuade, Jason Pickleman, Bud Rodecker, Rick Valicenti, and Magdalena Wistuba. Cover photography by Ross Floyd.

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