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FSA announced call for teaching proposals
United States Architecture News - Apr 06, 2017 - 14:58 12008 views
Peter Zellner's Free School of Architecture (FSA) announced a call for teaching proposals. The FSA is truly one of a kind and launched as a tuition free format to explore the edges of architectural education.
Founded by Peter Zellner in Los Angeles in 2016, the FSA is now looking for teaching proposals. The Free School of Architecture announced its first accepted students early-March.
FSA courses will be conducted both live (to a 36 person student body) and via a massive open online course (MOOC /mu?k/). The school will offer multiple courses led by 10 teachers over the span of 6 weeks, from June 1, 2017 to July 15, 2017.
Call for Teaching Proposals:
FSA Teaching Proposals will be accepted by email and will consist of two pages (max.):
a. One (1) page 500 word (max.) teaching proposal or statement carrying no identifying information. Course proposals must be titled, indicate course focus and length (see below).
b. One (1) page applicant information form carrying the following contact and academic/professional information:
Academic Credentials;
One (1) academic or professional reference (individual name and email contact only).
General Information for Prospective Teachers:
1. Focus: Teaching proposals must indicate curricular focus within ONE of the following 5 topical course bundles:
Architectural History and Theory (AHT);
Design and Aesthetic Theory (DAT);
Practical and Vocational Topics (PVT);
Philosophy (PHL);
General Studies (GNS).
Curricular focus may be indicated as follows:
Course Title: The Aesthetics of Resistance (DAT)
FSA students will not be graded nor will they ever produce design or written “products.” Students will, however, make public presentations outlining key concepts, both reflective and projective, related to their individual practices.
2. Length: Teaching proposals must indicate if the course will be taught in a 1 or 2 hour format. Classes are intended to be taught over the course of the entire 6 week school period but may also be taught as stand-alone lectures.
3. Process: All FSA Applications will be blind reviewed by a 5 person selection committee composed of members of the FSA Board of Advisors.
4. Deadline: The Teaching Proposals will be due in PDF format no later than Sunday, April 30, 2017 via email: [email protected]
Email FSA your application in pdf format only, please put Teaching Proposal & your name(s) in the subject line:
Subject: Teaching Proposal / Marcel Duchamp
Please save your file using this format:
Subject: FSA_DADA_DAT_Duchamp_Marcel.pdf
An automated reply Acknowledging receipt of your application will be the only form of immediate reply
Successful applicants will be contacted Monday, April 17, 2017 to confirm participation. A follow-up email will detail guidelines for the submission of an extended course description, school location, schedule and available resources.
5. Announcement: FSA Faculty and Courses will be announced on Monday, May 15, 2017 at 12 PM PDT via the FSA Website and a Press Release.
Free School of Architecture (FSA) Teacher Eligibility
Applicant eligibility (minimum requirements) to enter FSA Year One are:
A. Evidence of completion of one (1) professional architectural degree and/or evidence of completion of one (1) professional degree in an aligned program in environmental design or the arts;
B. Residency in Los Angeles, California or the ability to travel to Los Angeles, California for the period starting Thursday, June 1, 2017 and ending Saturday, July 15, 2017. If/as-needed shorter engagements can be organized on a case by case basis.
C. Fluency in written and spoken English is a minimum entry requirement.
FSA will not assist with travel costs, local accommodations or Entry VISAS for foreign nationals. In the event that a successful candidate cannot meet these requirements FSA will make every effort to accommodate their application to the school in 2018.
Top image courtesy of FSA
> via FSA