Submitted by Ka Ki Lee
25 innovative projects selected for FAIRE Paris
France Architecture News - May 17, 2017 - 01:59 14839 views
The new urban accelerator FAIRE Paris has announced the winners which explore and examine innovative processes for designing future cities and architecture. Created by Pavillon de l’Arsenal, FAIRE is an experimental platform for architects to facilitate the realization of full-scale prototypes for innovative design processes, material and construction.
FAIRE is created by the Pavillon de l’Arsenal, with support from the City of Paris, the Caisse des Dépôts, the Ordre Régional des Architectes d’Ile de France, the Île de France architecture schools and the Ecole Urbaine de Sciences Po. Out of 243 projects, 25 winners are selected. FAIRE will be accelerating these 25 projects that explore and examine innovative processes for designing the cities and architecture of tomorrow.PostIn Aix-En-Provence by XtreeE. Image © Lisa Ricciotti / XtreeE
Here are the 25 selected projects :
Pavillon gonflable dynamique / Félix Chameroy, Clara Chotil, Alexandre Atamian, Léo Demont, Maud Lévy, Laura Mrosla - Sous la direction de Nicolas Leduc, Franck Minnaërt
Fab’Brick / Fabrication de briques en t-shirt Clarisse Merlet
IDDDEA, Impression 3D béton / Expérimentations / Architecture (IDDDEA, 3D Print Concrete / Experimentations / Architecture) / XtreeE, Christian Pottgiesser Architectures possibles, Atelier climatique
XtreeE, the french start-up on 3D concrete print who has been recently partnered with VINCI construction, has been exploring robotic technologies on 3D concrete printing. Their latest works include a concrete weaving experiment with Berlin designers Studio 7.5.
3D-print concrete wall. June 2015. Image © XtreeE
Zero Energy Furniture / Mobilier à changement de phase pour économies d’énergie et amélioration du confort dans les bâtiments de la Ville de Paris-Raphaël Ménard & Jean-Sébastien Lagrange
This Zero Energy Furniture is designed by Raphaël Ménard and industrial design studio Atelier JS.L. It aims to optimize 60% of heat and 30% of cold in the office area. The furniture works like a thermal sponge. It absorbs heat when space is over 22°C and the stored heat is thus released later on when the temperature drops. The furniture adopts Phase-Change Material (PCM) which balances the fluctuations in temperature.
Image © Atelier JS.L
Pont trampoline gonflable / Atelier Zündel Cristea
Atelier Zündel Cristea proposed an inflatable bridge with giant trampolines to allow people bouncing above the river. The bridge is composed of inflatable modules fabricated in PVC membrane. The bridge allows visitors to have an unique view of Paris from their own spatial positions.Image © Atelier Zündel Cristea
Image © Atelier Zündel Cristea
Pont trampoline gonflable by Atelier Zündel Cristea. Image © Sergio Grazia
Frichkit / Un atelier nomade pour Carton Plein - Atelier A+1, Cézar Bazin, Octave Giaume, Inès Winckler Carton Plein, Do Huynh
Architecture et Biodiversité - Penser un nouvel écosystème urbain / Chartier Dalix
The project is proposed by Chartier Dalix architectes, urban ecologist Philippe Clergeau, urban landscape designer Topager and Natureparif, Regional Agency of Île-de-France for Nature and Biodiversity. The proposed research will explore new facade prototypes that enhance biodiversity in the city. Image © Chartier Dalix
The facade prototype aims to provide thermal isolation for the comfort quality and at the same time providing niches for colonization of flora and fauna. Image © Chartier Dalix
The facade prototype has been executed in their project BLG 18 classrooms school and sporthall. Image © Chartier Dalix
Dispositif de compensation écologique des grands chantiers par la végétalisa- tion des structures techniques de travaux / Magasin général, Frédéric Leyre, Clément Carrière & Nicolas Didier
Piscine écologique flottante / BASE, Clément Willemin, Pauline Renaud, Ulysse Blau, Kieu Mai Truong
Îlot vert, Démonstrateur flottant écologique / Romain de Santis, Axel de Stampa, Sophie PicotyÎlot vert, Démonstrateur flottant écologique byRomain de Santis, Axel de Stampa, Sophie Picoty. Image © Romain de Santis, Axel de Stampa, Sophie Picoty
Un prototype en terre crue issue de déblais de chantier / Bellastock, CRAterre, Palabres
The team is formed by Bellastock, experimental architecture practice who has been investigating recycled and reused building material; CRAterre, a research center on earth architecture and Palabres. A small prototype made out of construction site’s earth will be constructed in July 2017 at the Bellastock festival. Image © Bellastock
Un trésor de réemploi / Stratégies architecturales et programmatiques de réutilisation des verres cintrés de la « chenille » du Centre Pompidou 169-architecture
La pierre, ressource actuelle pour le territoire de la Métropole / Barrault & Pressacco
Le Pari de la Pierre, Réalisation d’un pavillon expérimental en pierre de taille / Collectif Pierre
Véloptimo, Un système de vélo partagés & recyclés entre particuliers, sur mesure / Acturba, Julien Langé & Marie Chabrol
2 pièces / GRAU, Susanne Eliasson & Anthony Jammes
Hall contributif / MAJMA, Martin Jaubert & Antoine Maître, MNAi, Maya Nemeta
Image © Majma
HOMY: Homes for the Odyssey of Metropolitan Youngsters / Concevoir un nouvel habitat pour le Grand Paris Bond society / Re:bond, Pierre Antczak, Christelle Gautreau & Stéphanie Morio
Une tour des sports / NP2F, François Chas, Fabrice Long, Nicolas Guérin et Paul Maître-Devallon
Wagon-mouche / Aménagement d’un wagon de la ligne 6 S’il te plait Group
L’arbre sous l’eau / Une installation pour arbre, sonomètre et système d’arrosage. Un arbre, une sculp- ture urbaine, une fontaine Antoine et Clément Bertin
Atelier mobilier en co-création / KOZ, Christophe Ouhayoun & Nicolas Ziesel
Supermarché+ Parking aérien+ noues aériennes + hub social de quartier + maisons + jardin haut+ appartements modulables = perdu. Image © KOZ
« Parallel Monuments » / de la ville universelle à la ville des multitudes - Sébastien Martinez-Barat, Benjamin Lafore & Florian Jomain
IUDo - Un nouveau modèle pour faire la ville de demain / Benjamin Aubry, Erwan Bonduelle & Yves Lesteven
Actualiser Paris / Frédéric Druot, Anne Lacaton & Jean-Philippe Vassal
Polyvalent Theater / Lacaton & Vassal. Image © Philippe Ruault
Top image: An inflatable bridge with giant trampolines by Atelier Zündel Cristea. Image © Atelier Zündel Cristea
> via FAIRE Paris