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Latin American Design and Architecture Through the Years
United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 30, 2015 - 16:52 4211 views
Lina Bo Bardi in her Glass House in São Paulo, Brazil.CreditChico Albuquerque/Convenio Museu da Imagem e do Som- SP/Instituto Moreira Salles
The well-worn phrase “Mi casa es tu casa” may be a perfect expression of Latin American warmth and hospitality, but it leaves some basic questions unanswered, especially if you are interested in architecture and design. What kind of house? And what is inside that house?
Three exhibitions, two already underway and a third, “Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980,” opening on Sunday at the Museum of Modern Art, aim to address those issues. Though organized separately and somewhat different in focus, they collectively provide a comprehensive picture of trends in Latin American architecture and design since World War II while suggesting a pattern of regionwide innovation that did not receive full recognition while it was occurring.......Continue Reading
> via New York Times