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IS Arch Awards:5th edition Jury’s Verdict
United Kingdom Architecture News - Mar 30, 2015 - 13:15 6007 views
IS Arch Awards for architecture students, is pleased to announce the verdict of the jury in this 5th edition.IS Arch is all astonished by the quality of the projects presented.IS Arch Awards' statement: ''It was very difficult for the juries to decide on the winners with so many incredibly creative entries to choose from. The gallery reached about 100,000 visits over 90 countries'' and you can see the project gallery with the First,Second,Third and Special Mention Awards:
1st Prize Winner:Crece junto a la naturaleza, Alejandra Salvador.
2nd Prize Winner:Bookish hills, Yoshihito TAMBA
3rd Winner:Rethinking Biotope: The Eutrophication case, Kyriaki Goti, Nikolaos Xenos.
Special Mentions
Al Mercado/A La Plaza, Gerardo Pérez de Amezaga Tomas.
Built Limbo, Silvia Perez Esteban.
Fish & Ships, Jan Zachmann.
Longhouse Community:A New Type of Asia Self-sufficient Open Residence, Chen Yongming, Weng Yu, Zhang Ming, Li Wanbao.
The Screenscaper - An Unexpected Encounter of the Vertical Streetscape, Wong Yok Fai (Arnold).
Urban city:fostering the human, Silantyeva Alisa.
Urban lighthouse, Gonzalo Casado Álvarez.
Urban revitalization strategy, Gopal Nagar, Ahmedabad. India, Gloria Benito Aranzana.
Without Roof, Nguyen Hoang Pham.
Creative laboratory.Concept of living cells., Rakhmatullina Alina.
To see the full gallery of IS Arch Finalists of 5th Edition,please click here
> via IS Arch Awards