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Call for papers - Universal Design in Architecture-Nordic Journal
United Kingdom Architecture News - Jan 09, 2015 - 10:12 3375 views
Call for papers - Universal Design in Architecture
Nordic Journal of Architectural Research
Theme Issue on Universal Design
Universal design as a design concept offers the opportunity to develop and design new and equal solutions in architecture while at the same time paving the way for a broad interpretation of equality. Likewise, the concept encourages the inclusion of the sensory parameters of architectural quality like daylight and acoustics in the understanding of good architecture designed for all. Universal design in its original and current forms, for example as a central concept of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, is not synonymous with ‘accessibility’ but a new design concept. It is a concept that accommodates a varied understanding of the users’ needs and at the same time opens up for a discussion of architecture’s role and responsibility in relation to physical, sensual, cognitive, cultural and social diversity. Universal design makes it possible for the needs of diverse users to be meet by a broad range of architectural solutions. It is about time to address, and reflect on, how it is possible in architecture to understand, interpret and work with universal design in the future.
With this theme issue of the Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, it is our intention to call for analyses, theories, practices, discussions and critiques of universal design as an architectural driver in the future. We welcome contributions within the following fields:
How can universal design strengthen the design process and function as a competitive parameter in an international practice? What is the role of the users and how do we enhance the knowledge about users’ needs in the design process? How to create architectural quality through working with the sensual, social and physical aspects of architecture in relation to universal design? How to improve equality in architecture through a universal design approach? How can universal design be applied in the planning of urban space?
Theme issue editors:
Camilla Ryhl, Professor, Bergen School of Architecture. Senior Researcher, SBi Aalborg University
Sidse Grangaard, Researcher, SBi Aalborg University
Anne Kathrine Frandsen, Senior Researcher, SBi Aalborg University
Marianne Skulhaug, Head of Institute, AHO, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Abstract Submission
1 February 2015 (200 words maximum + (one illustration.) The abstract should be submitted by email to [email protected]
1 March 2015
Full paper submission for double blind review according to NJoAR standard procedure
15 June (Submission Guidelines: See a/information/authors)
> via Nordic Journal of Architectural Research