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Warm thoughts about architecture in cold weather

United Kingdom Architecture News - Feb 27, 2015 - 15:55   5488 views

Warm thoughts about architecture in cold weather

image © Snøhetta

Sitting here looking out at the snow is making me think of warmer places. Warmer places brings to mind Florida – and the first time I went to Florida to cover a trade show, ACMA’s (then CFA’s) Composite 2001 in Tampa. That was when I met Bill Kreysler of Kreysler and Assoc., and nervously attended a meeting of the ACMA’s Architectural Division. My knowledge of composites was still very rudimentary at that point, and I hadn’t thought much about the use of composites in architecture, but Composites Technology magazine had run a story on fiberglass architectural decorative elements in 1996, and another in October 2000, about the use of composites to seismically upgrade the Marin County, CA, US, government building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

That 2001 Division meeting sparked an enduring interest in composites for architecture and civil construction, for me, and led to many conversations with Kreysler and others, which in turn resulted in some great articles over the ensuing years — articles on bridges, buildings, Denver’s giant bear sculpture, and later, fire safety, building code changes and architectural facades and building elements being embraced worldwide. The picture above shows Kreysler’s façade for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art that’s currently under construction.......Continue Reading

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