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International Architecture Competition - IWC Africa
United Kingdom Architecture News - Oct 22, 2014 - 12:42 3041 views
The Competition...
Kruger National Park is the largest game reserve in South Africa. Covering a total of 18,989 km², it extends 400 km from north to south and 60 km from east to west. The park is located in north-east South Africa,on the border with Mozambique and extends from north to south from the border with Zimbabwe almost to the border with Swaziland.
Kruger National Park is among the largest national parks in the world and without a doubt one of the most famous. It is an impressive wildlife refuge that holds an incredible diversity of large animals. Perhapthe most well-known are the famous Big Five: the African elephant, the lion, the leopard, the rhinoceros and the buffalo.The park represents one of the last wildlife refuges with large populations of white and black rhinoceroses, both of which are on the verge of extinction. It is important to note that today South Africa is home to 80% of the world population of rhinoceroses, estimated to be only 5,000 black rhinoceroses and around 20,000 white rhinoceroses.
The goal of this competition for architecture students and young architects, entitled International Wildlife Center (IWC) in Africa, is to create a visitor centre and accommodation for tourists and volunteers,whose main objective is to collect funds for animal protection.The IWC will receive tourists interested in a learning experience that includes direct contact with the species that live in Kruger National Park, as well as professionals,volunteers linked to the veterinarian studies and the care and protection of animals and nature, who want to broaden their knowledge of these species, as well as contribute to the protection of their habitat.
Objective of the Competition
The objective of the IWC will be to work to conserve and restore autochthonous fauna and their habitat by providing action-oriented education, raising public awareness, promoting strategic associations and a responsible rehabilitation of the fauna, at the same time offering accommodation and services to welcome tourists from all around the world who want to contribute to the protection of this reserve.
The IWC will not be a traditional visitor centre that simply transmits information, but rather it will seek to raise and disseminate awareness about the importance of animal protection to its visitors, encouraging them to become the volunteers that are so necessary to protect and prolong the existence of wildlife. The idea is to create a space that has a strong attraction to a public of all ages, a space visited by tourists who love wildlife, as well as professionals and volunteers who desire to help with the conservation of the fauna of this
During the period indicated in the competition calendar that has been included in these Terms and Conditions, questions about this competition can be sent to [email protected].
The Jury of this contest will consist of the following members, whom you may consult their full CV in the website:
Nathalie de Vries:Director of MVRDV
Federico Soriano:Chairman of the Department of Architectural Design at ETSA Madrid
Felipe Assadi:Chairman of Architecture and Design School of Finis Terrae University
Sol Madridejos:Head of S-M.A.O. Sancho-Madridejos Architecture Office
Vincent Pearson:Founder and Director of Arquitectorial
Alejandro Fernández-Linares-José María Ordovás:Members of the winner team of NOA South America architecture competition
The following prizes will be awarded to proposals that best meet the purpose of the competition:
1st Prize:
3.750 Euros + Publication in Plataforma Arquitectura + Publication in Taller al Cubo + Publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + Publication in Pedacicos Arquitectónicos + 1 year free subscription to WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + 1 year free subscription to AVProyectos magazine.
The winner or person that represents the winner team will take part of the Jury in the next architecture competition.
2nd Prize:
1.500 Euros + Publication in Plataforma Arquitectura + Publication in Taller al Cubo + Publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + Publication in Pedacicos Arquitectónicos + 1 year free subscription to WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + 1 year free subscription to AV Proyectos magazine.
3rd Prize:
625 Euros + Publication in Plataforma Arquitectura + Publication in Taller al Cubo + Publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + Publication in Pedacicos Arquitectónicos + 1 year free subscription to WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + 1 year free subscription to AV Proyectos magazine.
Up to 5 honourable mentions will be given to the most interesting proposals in terms of architectural quality, and which have not received any of the first three prizes, and will be awarded with: Publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell + Publication in Pedacicos Arquitectónicos + 1 year free digital subscription to AVProyectos.
Arquideas Special Prize:
The Arquideas Special Prize will be given, awarded with 500 euros, to the proposal with more votes from Arquideas Community users, among winners,honourable mentions and the finalist projects.An Arquideas supporting document will be sent to all the proposals that have received any of the mentioned awards. Taxes will be withheld on cash prizes in accordance with current regulations.
October 13, 2014
Early registration period opens
Consultation period opens
November 28, 2014
Early registration deadline
November 29, 2014
Regular registration period opens
January 16, 2015
Regular registration period deadline
January 23, 2015
Deadline for consultations
February 2, 2015
Deadline for submission of proposals
February 27, 2015
Publication on the web of the Jury results-Virtual exhibition
For detailed information please click on PDF
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