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Invitation for RTF Sustainability Awards 2014 for Architecture, Landscpae & Urban Design

United Kingdom Architecture News - Oct 11, 2014 - 12:31   3681 views

Invitation for RTF Sustainability Awards 2014 for Architecture, Landscpae & Urban Design

RTF Sustainability Awards 2014
12 Jury Members, 15 Categories, 45 Awards, & Honorable Mentions. Register Now.

Having successfully concluded two international competitions, Rethinking the Future (RTF) in its third year is organizing ‘RTF Sustainability Awards 2014’. The RTF Awards are absolute Global Architectural Award event 15 Categories and 12 esteemed Jury Members. This time RTF is accepting concept as well as built entries for the awards.

This mail is to offer you a wonderful opportunity to participate in this international design competition. Our reputable judges will award Three Awards in each category. It’s a chance for you to be distinguished amongst the best in the profession.


Jury Members

Invitation for RTF Sustainability Awards 2014 for Architecture, Landscpae & Urban Design



Commercial Building Award

This award recognizes the architectural excellence and innovations in commercial buildings.  Projects that serve the need of commercial spaces with innovations and technologies already known to us. Design that gives the new directions and provide the new generation a food for thought.

 Residential Building Award 

This award recognizes the best residential projects that provide a comfortable and attractive living environment for residents in their respective climates. Also design that defines the new standards for living, which could be either new technologies based or simply the use of wisdom.

 Public Building Award

This award has been instituted to recognize architectural excellence for buildings or complexes in public or private sector for government, social, cultural, or religious purposes. Designs that seek the new architectural language to fulfill the functional requirements.

 Institutional Building Award

This award recognizes the architectural excellence and innovations in the Institutional Buildings such as Schools, Colleges, Campuses, Hospitals, Transport terminals etc. Projects that take the institutional architecture to a new level and define some new directions.

 Mixed Use Building Award

This award recognizes the year’s best mixed-use structure featuring a combination of one or more categories, such as hospitality and commercial or residential and commercial or a mixture of all the three categories.

Landscape Design Award

This award recognizes the year’s best landscape design project featuring innovations in providing the comfortable living outdoor environment that characterizes the new models for site planning.

Urban Design Award

This Award recognizes the urban design strategies which transform cities into more stimulating environments for the human life. The ideas which aim to contribute to progress in making the world more habitable by developing a proposal capable of responding to emerging challenges in areas such as ecology, information technology, socialization and globalization, with a view to enhancing the connected self-sufficiency of our cities.

Previous Award 

Previous Re-thinking the Future Awards proved to be world's largest Architectural Event with

Participation from 83 Countries

20 Categories

60 Awards

75 Honorable Mentions


Rethinking The Future (RTF) was born from the idea of creating a new window on international trends in architecture and design that looks on to the solutions for the need of the era i.e., Climate Change.

RTF is a hub of services for architecture and design. RTF is working to develop an architectural language that would ‘sustain’ and ‘survive’ the impacts of climate change taking sustainability one step ahead.


For more information please visit website

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