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Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Switzerland Architecture News - Oct 25, 2016 - 17:07   26320 views

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Foster Norman and Aish Francis are giving a keynote lecture

The AAG 2016 symposium 2016 took place from September 9-13, 2016 at ETH in Switzerand and brought together researchers from academia, practice and the industry to present and discuss the challenges and opportunities emerging at the intersection between geometry and design. The conference was organized around keynote speeches, presentations of accepted papers and a complementing poster forum. 

The AAG 2016 has revealed new images of the symposium, covering a special keynote of Lord Norman Foster & Francis Aish, workshops, exhibitions and conferences and the symposium's book titled ''Proceedings'' -now available as open access e-book and as hardcover.

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Tsigkari Martha, Norman Foster and Aish Francis in the new Robotic Fabrication Laboratory of ETH Zurich

The AAG 2016's new textual and visual materials also feature Norman Foster's keynote speech in this new video, which introduces a great design process behind the project Mexico City International Airport, developed in collaboration with Mexican architect Fernando Romero, founder of FR-EE

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Norman Foster and Fernando Romero's Mexico City International Airport

In 1-hour keynote lecture, as part of this year's AAG symposium, Lord Norman Foster and Francis Aish presented a public keynote lecture to over 450 participants, featuring new images of Mexico City International Airport. The lecture took place in the new Robotic Fabrication Laboratory of ETH Zurich.

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

The evolution of design. Image screenshot from ETH Zurich video

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Norman Foster and Fernando Romero's Mexico City International Airport. Image screenshot from ETH Zurich video

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Norman Foster and Fernando Romero's Mexico City International Airport. Image screenshot from ETH Zurich video

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Interior view of Mexico City International Airport. Image screenshot from ETH Zurich video

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Interior view of Mexico City International Airport. Image screenshot from ETH Zurich video

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Interior view of Mexico City International Airport. Image screenshot from ETH Zurich video

The conference of the fifth edition of the AAG symposia series boasted more than 20 excellent paper presentations, keynote lectures by Urs B. Roth, Erik Demaine, Lord Norman Foster & Francis Aish, and Werner Sobek as well as a panel discussion on strategies for teaching of geometry in architecture which was joined by Robert Aish, Helmut Pottmann, and Achim Menges. 

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

The AAG2016 exhibition highlighted the works of keynotes Erik Demaine and Urs B. Roth as well as research objects from ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne and TU Munich. Many pieces were featured in papers presented during the conference. 

With a wide diversity of materials and assembly methods, the exhibited objects represented a snapshot of current innovations in applied geometry, structure and architecture.

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

The exhibited objects include: ''Asymtotic Gridshell'' by Denis Hitrec and Eike Schling. Chair for Structural Design, Technical University of Munich, 2016, ''Curved-Crease Sculpture'' by Erik Demaine and Martin Demaine, 2012, ''Timber Plate Shell'' by Scientific Development: Dr. Christopher Robeller, Project Team: Max Annen, Anh-Chi Nguyen, Pierre-Oliver Coanon. Prof. Yves Weinand, IBOIS, EPF Lausanne, 2016, ''1:10 Prototype of a Post-Tensioned Shell Structure from Precast Stackable Components'' by Lluis Enrique and Joseph Schwartz, Chair of Structural Design, ETH Zurich, 2016, ''3D-Printed Floor'' by Matthias Rippmann, Ursula Frick, Andrew Liew, Tom Van Mele, and Philippe Block. Block Research Group, ETH Zurich, 2016, ''Jawaher'' by Urs B. Roth, 2016, ''Force-Adaptive Wire Cutting'' by Workshop leaders: Romana Rust, David Jenny. Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, 2016, ''3D Printed Architectural Building Components'' by Prof. Benjamin Dillenburger, Dr. Mania Meibodi, Mathias Bernhard, Andrei Jipa and Prof. Dr. Robert Flatt, Dr. Timothy Wangler, Nicolas Ruerey; students Felix Stutz, Neil Montague de Taisne. Digital Building Technologies and Physical Chemistry of Building Materials, ETH Zurich, 2016.

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

The AAG workshops provided a stimulating forum for participants to learn skills, to network and make new friends. Eleven workshops gave the 120 participants an opportunity for hands-on experience with state-of-the-art structural analysis and optimisation software, computational design tools, and digital fabrication methods. The weekend was concluded with tired but happy participants, and some very creative output.

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

Image courtesy of Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) Symposium 2016

Norman Foster unveiled exclusive images of Mexico City International Airport at AAG Symposium 2016

The proceedings to the AAG2016 conference are now available as open access e-book and as hardcover. The publication contains 22 peer-reviewed papers presenting cutting-edge innovations in the fields of mathematics, computer graphics, software design, structural engineering, and the design and construction of architecture. 

Edition: 1., 2016
Pages: 408 pages
Illustrations: many illustrations, throughout coloured
Format in cm: 17,0 x 24,0
ISBN: 978-3-7281-3778-4
DOI: 10.3218/3778-4
Language: Englisch
Type of publication: Conference proceedings

Buy hardback book here

> via AAG 2016