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International Competition for Horse Park in Yeongcheon, Korea

Korea, South Architecture News - Dec 09, 2015 - 15:19   5458 views

International Competition for Horse Park in Yeongcheon, Korea

image courtesy of Korea Racing Authority

The Korean Racing Authority (KRA) has launched an international project competition to design an equestrian complex in Yeongcheon, Korea. The pupose of the competition is to develop a 1.474.883 m2 site, ''Let’s Run Park Yeongcheon'' will unite a theme park and racetrack and is intended to become a local attraction for all ages to enjoy. Its goal and purpose are to improve the image of horse racing and contribute to the horse industry, to become a tourist destination and attraction that enriches the local economy, and to provide an exemplary model for theme parks. The general concept chosen for the park is Unplugged Horse Utopia.

Registration is an online process accessible on the competition site until 23 December 2015: the deadline for submitting projects is 15 February 2016. The competition languages are Korean and English. 

International Competition for Horse Park in Yeongcheon, Korea

image courtesy of Korea Racing Authority

The competition is open to professionals in architecture, theme park design, landscape design, tourism, marketing, or other fields can enter. A team can have up to five members and must include at least one licensed architect.

Entrants may register on line on the competition web site where all documents will be downloadable. The registration fees are USD 100 (KRW 100,000). Working languages of the competition are Korean and English.

Registration: November 09, 2015 ~ December 23, 2015, 17:00
Posting Questions: November 09, 2015 ~ December 04, 2015, 17:00
Answers: December 14, 2015
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2016, 17:00
Jury Session: February 24, 2016 ~ February 26, 2016
Announcement of Winners February 29, 2016

The winning entries and prizes are as follows:
First Prize: Design contract
Second Prize (One entry): KRW 40 million
Third Prize (One entry): KRW 20 million
Honourable Mention (Eight entries): KRW 5 million each

International Jury
The international jury consists of seven members: three architects, one landscape architect, two professionals from theme park, and one from marketing. The list of will be announced by the middle of December.

For more information please visit website below

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