Submitted by Berrin Chatzi Chousein
Uncube Magazine No. 41: Zvi Hecker is Out Now!
Germany Architecture News - Feb 04, 2016 - 20:26 7082 views
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Your digital,playful, colorful, and the most interactive magazine Uncube presents its latest issue dedicating to a special painter, who also happens to be an architect as well as a stubbornly independent thinker. Uncube issue no. 41: Zvi Hecker spans a six-decade career to date, from the geometrically modular spatial patterns he worked on with Alfred Neumann and Eldar Sharon in 1960s Israel to the spiralling, zig-zagging, nature-inspired structures of his later buildings, in Berlin and beyond. Let uncube take you to Zvi Hecker’s world: a place of sunflowers, crowbars and polyhedral perfectionism.
Uncube's table of contents- a visual index also presents an easy pick from its content pattern for readers.
Essay: Space Packers, Zvi Hecker’s career-defining partnership with Eldar Sharon and Alfred Neumann by Rafi Segal, Text: Rafi Segal
Case Study: Housing For The Displaced, Ein Rafa, Israel, Text: Florian Heilmeyer
Case Study: Palmach Museum Of History, Tel Aviv, Israel, Text: George Kafka
Interview: Essentially I am a Medieval Architect, An interview with Zvi Hecker by Vladimir Belogolovsky, Text: Vladimir Belogolovsky
Found: Mountain Highs, Hecker’s colossal city visions, Text: George Kafka
Case Study: Koningin Maxima Kazerne, Amsterdam Airport Schipol, The Netherlands, Text: Florian Heilmeyer
Viewpoint: The Technion Affair, Breaking and entering in the name of architectural integrity by Zvi Hecker, Text: Zvi Hecker
Found: Fitting Furniture, Modules from Montreal, Text: George Kafka
Photo Essay: Revisiting Yesterday's Future, A photo essay by Gili Merin, Text: Gili Merin
Essay: A Different Language, Polygons against postmodernism in Jerusalem, Text: Rafi Segal
Found: Hive Talkin’, Balkanising Zvi with Marjetica Potrc, Text: Florian Heilmeyer
Case Study: Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, Text: Florian Heilmeyer
Found: Rubble Rouser, Ruins of good intentions, Text: George Kafka
Viewpoint: I Draw Because I Have To Think, The mind of the architect artist, Text: Zvi Hecker
Klaustoon: Klaustoon, XXVII (II): Cross Polin Nation, Text: Klaus
Next: Walk the Line
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