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The Funambulist Magazine 04 (Mar-Apr 2016): ’Carceral Environments’ Is Now Out

France Architecture News - Mar 01, 2016 - 11:23   4141 views

The Funambulist Magazine 04 (Mar-Apr 2016): ’Carceral Environments’ Is Now Out

image courtesy of The Funambulist

The Funambulist is a bimestrial printed and digital magazine complemented with a blog and a podcast (Archipelago) edited by Léopold LambertAfter examining the politics of space/design and bodies of militarized citiessuburbs, and clothing, this is now the turn of Carceral Environments to be investigated by the talented contributors to the magazine. This issue examines various forms of incarceration spaces in relation to the bodies they imprison.

The Funambulist Magazine 04 (Mar-Apr 2016): ’Carceral Environments’ Is Now Out

Architecture’s violence is never greater than through its carceral typology, and a bit of this typology lies in all architecture. The issue explore political prisons in Ireland (Fiona McCann), migrant detention centers in the United Kingdom (Tings Chak & Sarah Turnbull), Indigenous boarding schools in Canada (Desirée Valadares), the carceral history of Guantanamo Bay (A. Naomi Paik), labor camps in California (Sabrina Puddu), and prison abolitionism (Nasrin Himada) in additions to the usual photographic and student sections, as well as the opinion columns and blog article re-edition.

Although the issue is already available, it will be formally launched at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal on Sunday 6th March at 3pm through a presentation of its contents and an introduction to prison abolitionism by Nasrin Himada, contributor to the issue. There will also be a presentation of this issue in Berlin on March 29 (more information about this event soon).

As usual, the issue is available for purchase in four different offers:
Printed Version
Digital Version
Printed + Digital Combo
Issues 03 Clothing Politics & 04 Carceral Environments Combo (printed)

You can also subscribe to the magazine and thus support The Funambulist in a longer span of time while benefiting of better prices. 
Printed Subscription per month
Digital Subscription per month
Printed + Digital Annual Subscription

Don’t forget that you can also help this endeavor by requesting your library to subscribe (form for institutional subscriptions) and/or by convincing your favorite bookstore to carry the magazine. The map of libraries and bookstores, where you can find The Funambulist is available hereThe next issue (May-June 2016) is dedicated to Design & Racism. If you know of architecture/design/art student projects that address this issue, you may send them to Léopold Lambert for consideration. 

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