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Conference:Architecture of the distal and outer domains of the mid-Norwegian rifted margin

Norway Architecture News - Sep 14, 2015 - 11:10   4194 views

Conference:Architecture of the distal and outer domains of the mid-Norwegian rifted margin

from left to right: Per Terje Osmundsen,Geological Survey of Norway-Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic,Geological Survey or Norway, image via

Conference Highlight: Architecture of the distal and outer domains of the mid-Norwegian rifted margin: insights from the Rån Ridge system

Wednesday 30th September,14:40 in Session 2.

Stavanger Forum, Gunnar Warebergs gate 13
4021 Stavanger, Norway
During the past 20 years, research in rifting and rifted margin formation underwent a major paradigm shift. Thanks to both ODP deep drilling results on the Iberia-Newfoundland rift system 20 years ago and the newly available high resolution seismic datasets of the last 5-10 years, our community recognized that the architecture and evolution of deep rifted basins obey multiphase and composite geological processes far more complex than those which previous (e.g. traditional) models had captured.

The architecture of distal rifted margins thus remains a matter of intense debate. Various models are regularly proposed to discuss their structural, stratigraphic and magmatic evolution. During the last decade, a new generation of long-offset seismic reflection profiles offered the community an unprecedented improvement in imagery. Margin-scale basement architecture can now be mapped with more confidence, and sedimentary geometries can be studied in more detail at greater depths. Key datasets, such as those acquired and interpreted in the South China Sea or offshore Brazil, have permitted a profound revision of crustal-scale margin geometries.

The Mid-Norwegian rifted margin is an exceptional laboratory in terms of dataset quality, coverage and density, which allow exclusive studies to be achieved in unique details. The study presented in this contribution extends the investigation of the structural and stratigraphic architecture and evolution of the distal and outer domains of the Vøring margin by applying key concepts from within the framework of the new models of rifted margins.

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