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Call for Ideas: Taking Buildings Down
United States Architecture News - Nov 24, 2015 - 11:57 5203 views
image © Storefront for Art and Architecture
Storefront for Art and Architecture presents new competition about buildings called ''Taking Buildings Down''. What does it mean to build? Traditionally, building has been defined as the assembly of parts or materials toward the creation of a whole. While to build is often perceived as an Apollonian pursuit, to destroy appears to be its Dionysian counterpart. Understanding that our built environment is the product of many forces, it can dialectically be reduced to the tensions between creation and destruction, addition and subtraction, and erection and demolition.
In a design culture focused on the superlative (the tallest, the newest, the priciest), in which destruction is often perceived of or produced by an act of violence, the processes of removal appear as secondary concerns or collateral damage. However, if we are to better understand the life cycles of our built environment, we must explore the possibilities and implications of Taking Buildings Down. This competition of ideas is simultaneously a political act, a means of criticism, and a method of speculation!
Taking Buildings Down asks proposals for the production of voids; the demolition of buildings, structures, and infrastructures; or the subtraction of objects and/or matter as a creative act. Removal is all that is allowed.
Jeff Byles
Keller Easterling
Pedro Gadanho
Jorge Otero-Pailos
Christiane Paul
Annabelle Selldorf
Registration: January 12
Digital Submission: January 20
Physical Submission: January 21
Three monetary prizes will be awarded to the winners of Taking Buildings Down. These include:
1st Prize: $2000
2nd Prize: $1000
3rd Prize: $500
Winning entries and any additional entries deemed to be worthy of publication will be included in a printed competition compendium released by Storefront for Art and Architecture.
For more information about competition, please visit website below
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