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Call For Papers: Studio#09 - BEYOND Deadline Extended!

Italy Architecture News - Sep 05, 2015 - 13:54   4967 views

Call For Papers: Studio#09 - BEYOND Deadline Extended!

The contemporary city is made of a cultural and historical Legacy - that has been handed over in years, without being modified - and Manifesti which are vehicles of new thoughts and strategies. Ideas, styles and trends overlap each other within the society, influencing our lives in many ways. City cannot escape from these dynamics, thus outlining a complex and various scenario.

STUDIO#09 - BEYOND wants to investigate how the cities of future might be, by analyzing those situations that characterize our present. What are the concepts and dynamics that should be carried forward? Which ones should be reinvented? What new MANIFESTI are the basis for the future? What are the possible "BEYOND" for a new urban context? 

Call For Papers: Studio#09 - BEYOND Deadline Extended!

image © Studio Magazine

Submission Guidelines

Studio Magazine is accepting proposals for our forthcoming issue BEYOND
Contributions may be submitted in different forms – essays, photographic essay, illustrations, data visualizations, case studies and projects, interviews, comic strips and even novels – exploring the issue in any field of design: architecture, urbanism, art, photography, graphic design, film... etc. 

Stage 01 (Abstract) - September 28th 2015

- Contributors are asked to send a 200-word abstract about the proposal. - The abstract must be written in English
- Maximum size of the submission (image included if present): 2MB

Stage 02 (Final Piece) - September 30th 2015

- Selected contributors are asked to send the final piece, following the guidelines below:


- Essays, interviews and novels should not exceed 3.000 words maximum. - All texts have to be submitted digitally in Microsoft Word (.doc).
- The piece must be written both in English and in the Original language. Image/Graphic

- Photographic essays, illustrations, projects...etc. should be sent with a 500 words maximum description.
- All images have to be submitted full color (CMYK), in either JPEG or TIFF format (300 ppi, 18x25 cm) - All drawings have to be submitted full color, in PDF format.

- For every image/graphic include illustration source, name of photographer/artist and the authorization of copyright holder.

- A short biography of the author/s (max. 50 words) 

All submissions via e-mail to: [email protected]

Stage 01: September 28th 2015

Stage 02: September 30th 2015

Publication: October 2015 

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