Curriculum Vitae (Summary) Jorge Albuerne ALBUERNE ARCHITECTS Originally from Monterrey N. L. Mexico was founded in 1967. Architects Albuerne CEO in Monterrey NL Mexico.Architect, developer and urban developer graduated in 1966 from the School of Architecture and School of Fine Arts from 1964 to 1965 at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, a member of the boards of the College of Architects of New lion in over 8 periods in three of them Vice President.Has been a member of Precast / prestressed concrete instuitute, Spanish Technical Association of Prestressed, American Society of Planning and Architects Association of Nuevo Leon, Mexico.He has participated as mentioned below:In several World Congresses of architecture in Egypt, Canada and Spain.Advisory architecture Publications Associations Iberoamerican Council of Architects.Editor and member of editorial boards of several journals of national and local architecture in Mexico.Advisor, officer and employee of governmental departments of government in several states and the Federal District in Mexico.Member of the evaluation committee of the mass transit systems in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Miami, Florida, USA and Vancouver, Canada to Metrorrey to design Metro line 2 in Monterrey Mexico.He has participated in several positions in the Federation of Architects of Mexico for several terms, among which are:Coordinator architects Mexican Commission for the TreatyFree Trade Agreement (NAFTA)General Coordinator of National Institutes and Organizations for the Federation of Architects of the Republic:Institute for Housing and Urban Research Institute and Building Systems, National Council of Urban and Regional Planning and National Committee for the preservation of the environment.Secretary General to organize the XIV National Congress of Architects in Monterrey, Mexico.A distinguished guest was in 7 cities in the United States by Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State (73-77) and assistant to the president, U.S. national security In Mexico, distinguished guest in several cities.Guest speaker at universities, seminars and institutions in Mexico.She has so far co approximately 500 works in society and the individual, designed and built, urban, industrial, tourism, government, commercial, sporting, residential, institutional, entertainment and interior design, with locations local, national and international in Mexico , Nicaragua and USA many of which have been published in more than 30 specialized books, magazines and newspapers, national, local and international United States, Bulgaria and France.Participating in architectural competitions in Mexico and International in the Philippines, Iran and the United States of America.Awards, local, national and international, to the architectural and professional merit and other architecture biennials that stands between the award and medal in International Architecture Biennial in Sofia, Bulgaria and Professional Excellence Award granted by the Federation of Professionals Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Professional Excellence Award by the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico


Albuerne Arquitectos

Building Construction

7 buildings

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Projects by Jorge Albuerne

Mar 26, 2013 - 08:56 • 3410
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:21 • 3637