Rasem Kamal is a young Jordanian architect and designer, he was born in Amman, on the 26th of November, 1986. Having an enthusiastic passion towards being involved with designing every single detail instead of being an ordinary user, has led him to adopt the term “Architecture” that shaped his life, his personality and his way of thinking.In the year 2009, kamal graduated from “The University of Jordan”, he devoted the final year of his bachelor study for a research thesis and an urban regeneration project under the title: “Ain Ghazal Interpretation Park”, which is a bridge for history that may never be built but its award-winning design makes a statement about heritage, community and Jordanian architecture. The park received local, regional and international architectural awards; it was honored “The Abadli Innovation Award (AIA)”, additionally, the jury members of “The Omrania | CSBE Student Award for Excellence in Architectural Design”, led by the landscape architect Vladimir Djurovic, have set the project at the first place versus 66 architectural projects from different Arab countries. On the international side, it was honorary selected by the “World Architecture Community Award” directed by the esteemed architect Süha Özkan.In 2010, kamal has worked as an intern architect at “AS.ARCHITECTURE-STUDIO - Paris", the international firm that participated with architect Jean Nouvel to design "The Arab World Institute" in Paris. During that period, Kamal had the opportunity to work on the development of “Syria towers”, the highest mixed-use towers in Damascus. Kamal has worked for four years as an architect and designer at “s y m b i o s i s designs ltd.”, an award-winning architectural firm situated in Amman, founded by the renowned architect Khalid Nahhas and adopts the notion of “Total Architecture”. He is currently a graduate student,doing a Master of Architecture at the Rice School of Architecture.


s y m b i o s i s designs ltd.

Building Construction

6 buildings

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Projects by Rasem Kamal

Jul 28, 2009 - 22:54 • 12906 Winner
Jul 28, 2009 - 19:23 • 14893 Winner
Jul 28, 2009 - 17:25 • 11849 Winner