The projectual task of PRaaS seeks to understand architecture as a cultural product of deep roots, beyond trivial temporal qualities o passing fashions. This product arises of the own needs of the present, tangible, physical and corporal needs, as well as dreams and aspirations.
The work of the architect reflects on these parameters, using the technique as another mean, to achieve architecture harmonious to the needs and situated in its place. Each work, each theme, is in itself a new challenge. By place, by climate, by the client, by the forms of production, etc. This conjunction of particularities defines the project. Thus each assignment is an opportunity to understand the complexity of the contemporary life.In PRaaS we like the simple, tranquil forms, without stridencies, an architecture that seems that always was there. We like challenges therefore we do contests of architecture, that oblige us to think about other themes and other solutions. We understand that the architecture is a continuous learning, for that reason we maintain a constant bond with the teaching of architecture, trying to cultivate a contact with the new generations and to continue learning.We maintain that the architecture is a collective construction and that a united look carries to a better result, this has taken us to work with other architects in diverse works and projects.
In final, architecture of complexity in its relations and simple forms the one that we try to do daily.


Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


9 buildings

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Projects by Pablo Fidel Rescia

May 14, 2010 - 01:44 • 2837
Apr 04, 2010 - 00:47 • 3177
Apr 03, 2010 - 21:55 • 3373
Apr 03, 2010 - 21:37 • 6111