The symbolic work of this urban operation is the footbridge Presidente Arturo Illia. This bridge gives walk continuity to the Storni path located in the high part of the steep coastal geography, and unites it with the promenade Americas Square. Thus it takes advantage of the difference of level, raising the smooth slope of the arch’s parable arriving at the coastal promenade; it is formalized like balcony-bay window toward the sea, making it complete with a concrete ramp which bounds with the promenade.
The technical resolution is an effort to achieve lightness and thinness, using resistant materials to the corrosive marine environment.
Arq. Guillermo de Paz
Arq. Pablo Rescia.
Arq. Maria Menna
Laura Gotlibas.
Arq. Soledad Roldan.
Arq. Leandro Cavalieri.
Arq. Patricio Calvelo.
Maximiliano Gonzales.
Juan Municoy.
Diego Gatica.
Arq. Martín Rosales.
Arq. Daniel Rocaman.
Arq. Claudia Rodríguez.
Arq. Gabriela López.
Arq. Daniela Fangio.
Diseño de equipamiento:
D. I. Gabriela Sangorrín.
Diana Cabeza.
Asesoría Técnica
Dirección de Vialidad Municipalidad del Partido de Gral. Pueyrredón.
Dirección de Alumbrado Público.
Cómputo y presupuesto
Ing. Alberto Arano.