michelangelo acciaro is an architect based in milan, italy, where he was born and studied architecture (politecnico di milano). he has undertaken diverse commissions in architecture, urban planning, reconstruction, interior, exhibition and industrial design, experimenting all possible kinds of aesthetic interrelations, in order to evoke stimulation and optimism. qualified as a university lecturer (politecnico di bari, subject: architectural composition), he taught at the faculty of building design and architectural morphology, politecnico di milano, between 1988 and 2002.
in the course of 2007, michelangelo has set in train michelangelo acciaro | architetti, an unrestricted platform allowing interdisciplinary confrontations and measurements. It permits to reflect publicly about architectural manipulations, which determine surfaces, objects, volumes, sounds and lights as well as economical, political and territorial values, and to point at the research of new qualitative solutions including elegance and surprise.
michelangelo acciaro | architetti
Building Construction
8 buildings
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