Architect Javier Artadi Is Professor of architectural design at the faculty of architecture of the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC in Lima, Perú.

He has received several awards and distinctions in competitions and national / international biennales of architecture.

His work is regularly published in books and magazines of architecture from the five continents.

He has presented his work at universities and congresses of architecture of Latin America, North America, Europe, Africa and Middle East.

He has received the Orden del Sol from the Colegio de Arquitectos del Perú for his international recognitions.

His work is internationally recognized for its conceptual load, its abstract geometry and its strong relationship with the landscape of the desert coast of the Peru

2 buildings

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Projects by javier artadi

Aug 21, 2020 - 02:42 • 1528
Aug 21, 2020 - 02:25 • 1130