It is a renovation of a restaurant - bar (TINTO BRACE) located in Italy in Sapri (near Salerno), facing the sea (Mar Tirreno).
The project has come to define not only the architectonic space but also every furniture: dressers, chairs, benches, tables, counter bar and some lights.
The design intention is to create a family and domestic atmosphere even if its a public space, through a contrast between the minimal forms of the space and the traditional items of furniture and decoration (glass containers with spices, shelves with objects in view, etc.)
The lighting project is designed to be flexible: through LED rgb wall washer lights, directional lights on the tables (for a more intimate atmosphere) and soft diffuse light distributed, the lighting project strengthen the functions of two different spaces: cocktail bar and restaurant.
250 sqm
roberta pellegrino, michelangelo costabile