Indonesia, particularly Yogyakarta, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant arts scene. The city has witnessed a remarkable growth in contemporary arts, as exemplified by the Yogyakarta Royal Orchestra, a fusion of traditional and contemporary music initiated by the Yogyakarta Palace.

Despite the abundance of artistic activities, Yogyakarta lacks a representative concert hall to support the nation's and the world's artistic development. Numerous international collaborative concerts held in Yogyakarta have highlighted the inadequacy of existing venues in terms of capacity and acoustics.

This proposed concert hall aims to provide a platform for musicians to thrive and for both domestic and international audiences to experience the beauty of music, theater, and dance in Yogyakarta.

To realize this vision, the proposed facilities include a:
1. A unique feature of the concert hall is a soundscape-enhanced entrance tunnel that prepares visitors for the concert experience. This immersive space incorporates both natural and artificial sounds, from the gentle trickle of water to dynamic musical compositions, creating a multi-sensory journey.
2. concert hall,
3. rehearsal spaces,
4. outdoor amphitheater for public engagement.
5. Mixed used facility, commercial use.

This tunnel will transport us from the bustling city streets into a dark, intimate passageway, culminating in the grand concert hall and orchestra building. This journey offers a transformative experience of art, evoking a sense of poetic.


Location: Bantul, Yogyakarta
Land Area: 10.000 m2
Buildings area: 8000 m2
Materials (building structure): H beam Steel, IWF beam steel, concrete, bore pile foundation, raft foundation,
Materials (building skin): Aluminium Composite Panels, glass
Materials (auditorium): GRG (Glass Reinforced Gypsum), wood flooring, absorber foam.

Designer: Michelle Jannes Wahono
Supervisor or Instructor: Dr. -Ing. Gregorius Sri Wuryanto, S.T., M.Arch.


Michelle Wahono