To provide well designed adaptable and low-cost housing the building industry must use economic and production organization similar to those used in car industry, such as automated production lines, prefabrication, production and development planning that will reduce cost, produce correct material usage and will greatly reduce wastage and environment damage.
In response to the global need for dwelling and emergency units we hammered out a low cost, transportable, energy efficient, adaptable shelter for any place and use. This instant form of architecture proposes a less violent and stable relationship with the landscape providing at the same time a safe and comfortable living micro environment. This unit is presented as a fully equipped dwelling with the overall size {when in closed mode} of a typical 20 shipping container, to be delivered by standard truck or helicopter anywhere, adapting to a wide variety of different site conditions and operative scenarios.
The unit is basically a monocoque frame of aluminium and foam materials, with front and back chambers containing the basic living functions: bath/wc and kitchen/entrance. From the lateral sides a system of retractile and cantilevered elements pop up allowing one to expand the main floor area of the unit itself.
Access to the unit takes place by a zeppelin-style lightweight stair, sliding down and up as needs require. Adjustable retractile legs permit easy to place operations, a transparent ETFE membrane ensures high natural illumination levels, two tent-like sleeping modules suspended to the lifted roof provide comfortable accommodations for up to four persons and the presence of a fully equipped system of solar cells and water recycling device guarantees total autonomy.
This highly efficient unit is supposed to be easily activated by two people in half an hour.



Flavio Galvagni