This project is one of the most peculiar we have yet done; it presented some difficulties we have never faced. Consisted in developing two areas, cross connected, but radically different. The first, the interior of a cave in a mountain located in the green zone of an ambitious real estate development in Querétaro, Mexico. This cave — with an area about 80 sq m— had as first challenge the space survey which we did with state-of-the-art technology.

The second part was the mountainside where the entrance to the cave is located, meaning, a completely open space, with steep slopes and varied vegetation. Just like the cave´s interior, this area also required sophisticated methods to produce the necessary plans for the project´s development.

Once we have overcome the initial hurdles, and with plans in our hands, we set about developing the conceptual side of the space. On this we suggested a place for wine tasting in the interior of the cave and some platforms to have events on the mountainside as well as the interaction between the two concepts.

We agreed on respecting to the maximum the natural formations of the cave, forcing us to define the areas where people could walk. This was achieved with a kind of wood mats as platforms over the sandy floor that with the play of light on the floated zones, gives the sensation of being in a speleological space. The lighting has an essential role in the interior of the cave, generating dramatic and theatrical ambiances. The minimum rustic furniture emphasizes the natural atmosphere of the space, besides benefiting from the strong source of natural light entering through the mouth of the cave contrasting with the artificial light.

Just like in the interior, on the mountainside we suggested a series of floated platforms, much larger than the ones inside the cave, in different levels descending in parallel to the natural angle and were located intentional on a slightly irregular form. Under one of these platforms the services (toilets and kitchen) for the events were located. Finally, to protect the guests from the direct sun a grand velaria was placed that works also as visual reference from long the distance.

The result is pleasant gathering place to have from small reunions amid the wine culture inside the cave to a cocktail party for 150 people using the outside platforms. All with an important commercial character since it is expected this spot will be where more sales of the real estate development will be closed.



Category: Commercial
Location: Querétaro, Querétaro, México
Year: 2021
Surface: 80 sq m
Photography: DIN interiorismo

Project: DIN interiorismo | Interior designer: Aurelio Vázquez


DIN interiorismo