Representing a modern antithesis to the historic main square, the "M99 SHOPPING LIENZ" is situated at the junction of the thoroughfare and the precinct. M99 performs confident dialogue with the heterogeneous neighbouring vicinity, is "stitched" to it and acts as an integrative "Centre of a Western District". The exterior public area leads through to the internal area of the shopping mall, which likewise, is also open to the public. Furthermore, the building also blends in perfectly with the surrounding town area. M99s assignment is to strengthen the urbane identity of Lienz as a "shopping town" and with an innovative impression towards the outside, provide an image as a trend-setting "landmark".

Planning - Realisation: 2007 - 2010
Location: Lienz
Client: Brauneck Home GmbH
Assignment: Shopping Mall
Collaborators: Züleyha Engin Schauer, Günther Gasteiger, Jacopo Hirschstein, Stephanie von Krempelhuber, Karin Leitner
Volume of Order: 20,000,000 Euro
Construction of Models: Matthias Hirschhuber, Johannes Schuster
Renderings: Andreas Hörl




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