In the heart of Paris, a living shape rises from the ground.
It is calm, light, fluid.
Its figure is the face of a new scale of living space for Paris and the Region.
It is the vitality of this living space, on a metropolitan scale, that makes continuity apparent where, before, we could see only discontinuity.
An urban culture free of segmentation has been born.
The morphology of the architecture is the result of balancing all the dynamics of the location. There are the dynamics of all the public areas surrounding the project, the dynamics of the pedestrian through traffic, the dynamics of the Forum, of the "outside field" of the Park and that, no less alive, of the impression left by Les Halles on the memory of this neighbourhood.
The complexity of these different geometries is organised and balanced in the project according to a unique pattern. Although it may recall plant motifs, it is not truly representational architecture. Indeed, the Model here is Nature`s optimisation of each of the shapes she engenders in a given environment.
© Patrick Berger