This proposal takes its inspiration from certain features of Arab architecture as well as from the phases of the moon. Although the structure employs a globally understood architectural language, its design is based on unique facets of the regional culture. It is meant to represent the new face of Dubai but also alludes to its historical significance.
The work’s form exhibits basic elements that can be linked to the urban fabric of Dubai. For example, the podium footprint is a circle that measures 60m in diameter; this serves as the Tall Emblem Structure´s base and brings to mind the two roundabouts near the site on 6th Street. Furthermore, Za’abeel Park features some geometric figures that are reflected in the proposal. The two majestic lower parts represent Dubai’s past, while the shaft suggests a strong future.
The Dubai skyline provides the opportunity to define the final shape that proposal takes. An analysis of the visual dynamics of the buildings as they relate to the surrounding serves as inspiration for this structure.
Programmed spaces are distributed in a strikingly simple manner. They are tall and uninterrupted in order to achieve the greatest feeling of fluidity, yet they are clearly differentiated according to the specific function of each.