The site is located in an ultracentral area of ​​Bucharest, being located in the neighbourhood of one of the largest and most beautiful parks of the city, towards Serban Voda Street and the monument of architecture of the 'Gheorghe Sincai' National College. According to the Master Plan, the area is designed to host a high-rise business center, raising the economic level and the competitiveness of the area within the city. The volume is designed to open to the intersection and create a public square that attracts both employees and students or residents of the area. The ground floor, less than the street, is entirely public, with a library, restaurant, cafes and recreation facilities. The mezzanine, the first, and second floors are also for the general public, hosting cafes, shops and a multifunctional hall (console). Starting with the third level, the spaces are private, being exclusively for employees. We created three types of offices, individual, common and open-space. The last two levels host a sky bar restaurant and related technical spaces.



Stud. Arch. Diana-Maria Lazar
Stud. Arch. Cristina Guja

Tineretului Park Office Tower, Bucharest, Romania by Diana-Maria Lazar in Romania won the WA Award Cycle 27. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.

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