The concept of the project is to create a new skin, one you can see through, but what is seen is filtered by color and light refraction. The wrapping is playful, dinamic like a chameleon skin it changes according to the enviroment surrounding it. The old building is there, but its image is covered by a veil, you cannot see exactly what is beneath that skin that tricks the sight to get lost in the endless, continuous bubble surface.

The Acrylic Bubble Wrapping is not related to an specific building, it is a facade wrapping system that can be plugged to any existing building facade. The acrylic bubble layer is made of 1,20 x 1,20 meters modules, it is distant 0,8 to 1,2 meters from the building and is supported by a metal mesh that is conected to the building facade. The metal mesh is suspended by the roofing structure and is also supported by support brackets connected to the building facade and welded to the vertical metal tubes structure. The Acrylic Bubble Wrapping never touches the ground as it is meant to be a light and floating layer of bubbles, enhancing the lightness of the material. It also grows higher than the roofing, hiding it. The free space in between the existing building and the bubble layer is very important for air circulation, preventing the interior from over heating. That space works as a maintainance corridor, allowing the acrilic surface to be cleaned from the inside. The 1,20 x 1,20 meters acrylic modules connect to the vertical tubes by the metal corners that are screwed to metal fins welded to the tubes. In order to maintain the continuous bubble image on the facade and also mark the entrances, the doors in the bubble layer have their bubbles turned inwards, when closed the continuity is kept, but the different refraction of light on the concave or convex surfaces reveal the doors. When opened, the bubbles on the door fit the bubbles next to them.


