Led by Aedas in consortium with Shenzhen Lay-out Planning Consultants and Shenzhen Comprehensive Transportation and Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute, the urban design scheme for Shenzhen Yulong District has won the first prize. The district places a strong emphasis on ecological restoration, development, and construction. Our design includes a comprehensive and localised solution to three core challenges: demands for industrial space, high density development, and traffic capacity in the area.

The design focuses on conservation in high mountain areas and restoration in low mountain areas. The utilisation of different large spaces is also optimised, including equipment rooms and parking areas, to create a hub that is both #humane and nature-friendly in a high-density environment.

The central green area connects the spaces in conjunction with the central landscape water system, the north and south interceptor channels, and the multi-level sponge facilities. This holistic integration effectively combines flood prevention and safety measures with ample storage capacity and the enhancement of landscape development.

An adaptive and efficient layout is created to fulfil the demand for office space in the emerging industries. The design balances the relationship between the local landscape and architecture, offering a range of ‘smart and interactive infrastructures’ including technology hubs, public spaces and social communities, and supporting a diverse range of enterprises, from start-ups to established headquarters.

Through assessing the demand of high rail transportation capacity in various scenarios, the design proposes both long-term and short-term traffic guidance schemes to ensure the adaptability to future uncertainties. A pedestrian bridge is created to address the issue of disrupted traffic caused by the urban expressway. The design reconnects the area with the city and also makes the development a new urban gateway of Yulong.


Site Area: 1,400,000 sq m

Planning Study, Urban Design and Design Architect of the Core District: Aedas in joint venture with Shenzhen Lay-out Planning Consultants and Shenzhen Comprehensive Transportation and Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute
Design Director: Leon Liang, Executive Director


Aedas Ltd