iedra is part of Saint Peter Design District, an urban intervention that seeks to dynamize the urban life of the west side the Mexican city of Puebla. Piedra “Stone” is the duality of a sculpted volume. It represents an organic motionless element deprived from part of its essence to become something else. A polished geometry that experiences the flow of energy between the earth and the sky. The reflective glass facade changes with the context, becoming a light dynamic element in a sophisticated way.

The three towers are placed one next to the other, the geometry of them dialogs and seduces the neighbor volume, simulating wanting to touch but never succeeding. Each tower is part of a system, keeping its individuality and essence.

This apartment complex is designed to create a unique experience for each home owner. The thirty units are divided in three towers. Each unit is different in surface, shape, location or features. The towers surround an urban garden where not only the habitants will have the opportunity to grow their own food but also socialize. Besides, this brings an opportunity to the neighbors to create different dynamics within their community and create a sense of belonging and unity.

The interior is meant to be an intimate discovery. Inside each apartment there are crafted, personalized golden elements that intend to awaken the curiosity along the way. Such as lamps, electric outlets, faucets, showers, etc.

With the design choices and geometry that surrounds the facade, the user can immerse in a unique experience on living.


The interior is meant to be an intimate discovery. Inside each apartment there are crafted, personalized golden elements that intend to awaken the curiosity along the way. Such as lamps, electric outlets, faucets, showers, etc.

Category Dwelling
Built surface 5,100 m2
Client Enterprise
Status Built
Project directors Diego Vilatela, Angel Valerio
Architecture Mariana Pedrero, Jose Luis Baez.
Engineering Olivia Gil,
Construction Javier Flores
Marketing Juan Januzzo
Photography Patrick Lopez Jaimes
