The project was formed by creating a space for Public Healing, which is one of the common issues of today. This recommendation is also a criticism of a “consumption-oriented so-called feel-good”. The healing type is spiritual healing.

The meaning of Sophrosyne, which is also the name of the project and the concept, that the individual reaches absolute happiness in order to define themselves as healthy. The way to do this is that the individual must be aware of their essence, which is to reach happiness through a sense of gratitude. In short, to reach this concept, we must be able to aware and be grateful to the existence of ourselves and the things around us. I aim to get out of the routines in our lives and reveal the sense of gratitude by creating awareness about the things that we actually ignore.

The organization of the space is formed by the experience of objects, environment, and actions. In the architectural solution, this place, which can also be called the world of senses, has been linked with water, the potential of the space, through Çeşme’s site synthesis.

With the pillars that spray water droplets in and around the structure, it looks like a cloud from a distance, and the first awareness is obtained with this ambiguous area that arouses a sense of curiosity in the person before entering the space. Once inside the building, it encounters the sea, which is water. Here people can chat while at the same time doing tactile functions such as being able to sit and dip their feet in the water. The water spreading into the space has also spread visibly at any elevation. Along the route, a secret garden with fragrant plants and ivy unique to Çeşme will emerge further, thanks to the ramp that passes the garden to an upper level, it faces both the experience of the garden and the sea and the city silhouette. On the route that carries it to the upper levels, there are spaces where the individual can be alone with themselves, as well as collective work areas, sub-spaces where conversation can be made. Here, people can stop and watch the walking of people or the sea as sequences created by the pillars of the structure, as well as the joyful laughing sounds of the children in the playground, which is also around the site. With the transparency and permeability of the structure, at some points, visual vistas are formed and at some places are formed into expression spaces, while the routes open to the world of senses. By doing the act of looking away or raising our head to the sky, which we describe as "take a breath" during the day; we can watch the blue of the sky when the weather is bright and the lights of the stars at night.

The Sophrosyne Node is the place where we discover our inner self and enable awareness through the senses in this discovery.

Concept Video link:
Project Video link:



Location: İzmir, Çeşme
Area: 860 m2

Some columns inside and outside can spray water in the form of small droplets. In this way, while creating an ambiguous area formed from the outside, it provides the feeling of water touching the skin while entering inside. These columns, which make it stand like a cloud from afar, are also arranged in long or short according to the spaces inside. When creating indoor spaces, the walls are made of glass to be as permeable as possible and not to create borders.

Thanks to the ambiguous space, each of the spaces that need to be discovered and experienced inside have features. There are places and points that allow individual as well as collective communication.

The name of areas:

Union Point with Sea: has an amphitheater to chat with people and calming effect of water can be physically experienced.
Smelling The Soul: A garden with endemic and fragrant plants.
Node of Laugh: People have the opportunity to share their memories and thoughts.
Hearken Area: It is a terrace that allows watching and resting children's voices and their happiness.
Collage & Share: It is a workshop to express themselves collectively.
Expressing Walls: Where the individual can draw and write their thoughts, feelings, or whatever comes up inside them.
Panoramic Screen of The Sea: Allows people to sit, watch the scenery and chat individually or collectively.
Stop Sight: The corridor, which is designed as an amphitheater to take a break and breathe.
Union Point with City: Observation terrace. (sea, garden, people and the city)
Exhibition and Discuss Hall: An open space where the products made in the Collage & Share space are exhibited.
Blind Listen: Sound recordings of any subject on panels.
Welkin Zone: There are large seating groups that allow people to just come and watch the sky, sit or lie down.
Sophrosyne Node: As a result of all this journey, it is the point where you are left alone with the endless sky, sea, and city. It is the place where the phenomenon of gratitude and the feeling of being happy as a result is achieved.

Elif Ertemiz
Supervisor: Ülkü İnceköse


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