The designed dining hall is a single floor height and a long rectangular volume.Ceiling design becomes even more important in this narrow space.A rhythm was obtained on the ceiling by designing the wooden suspended ceiling formed on the ceiling into equal grids in the horizontal plane and the square modules formed at different heights in the vertical plane.This gradual movement was continued on the wall in which the television was positioned, creating spatial integrity between the wall and the ceiling.On both sides of this suspended ceiling modulation, wooden flat surfaces were created to provide a fund for this movable ceiling.In some of the movable suspended ceiling modulation, the integrity of the ceiling and lighting element is provided by using barisol lighting.At the other end of the room, the wall was pulled back and used as a dividing element between the kitchen and the dining room, and a more aesthetic solution was provided without placing a door. The clock was placed on this retracted wall. In this wall covered with wood, light elements were placed with regular modulation.




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