The aim is to create not a single, but a set of buildings, which share a common digital logic and which will operate together to form the Athens City Museum. A museum in a network, in multiple interconnected nodes distributed within the urban fabric. Athens can be comprehended as an exhibit, but simultaneously as a museum exposing itself. In this sense, our proposal will function as a mediator to this relation, a catalyst that will link again the city to the user via the process of activating the urban space. With the use of new technologies, an alternative exhibition approach is attempted by new presentation media that promote interactivity.
As far as the form of the buildings is concerned, a tool that will produce different objects of the same family is sought, so as that these are immediately identifiable in the city web. Folding is used as a morphogenetic mechanism. The successive metamorphoses of a strip constitute the genetic algorithm of the form, a genotype by which multiple phenotypes will arise. Architecture is considered as a process that produces forms ranging within the limits of fuzzy logic.



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